- If you feel like this photo looks familiar – I’ve taken a similar photo before! Here is last year’s version: #342, 2020’s version: #290 and 2018’s version: #192.
(WOW my babies are getting so big!!) - What a week – another wild-March-Pennsylvania-weather ride! It was warm, then it was cold, then it was snowing! Then it was warm again! Then it was snowing again! I mean, talk about whip-lash! My poor kids are so confused: “But Mom, we were playing outside yesterday without coats on!” And today, we’re headed out to build a snowman – just wild.
- It has been a busy week! We kicked things off on Monday with our “favorite” appointment every year: our taxes. Actually, our taxes really aren’t all that bad – we pay someone else to do them for us (because between Derrick’s full-time job, his business, and my two businesses – it’s just SO much easier to pay someone who actually knows what they’re doing!) We always end up owing money on the state & local levels and typically get a small refund on the federal level. We set a specific percentage of money received aside every year for taxes, so it really isn’t all that bad – it’s simply one of those “adult” things that isn’t really super fun.
But! It’s done and over with! And now we don’t have to worry about it again until next year. (ERR, I mean, when our quarterly estimates are due – yay.) - THINGS I LEARNED THIS WEEK: I was editing a video and had timed the first 30-ish-seconds of clips to hit right when the beat did – it was marvelous and so pleasing to both the ears and eyes. I exported the video and before uploading it to YouTube, double-checked that the sound/music/video had all “smushed” properly (and yes, that’s a very technical term we video editors use). But there was a problem: my music and video clips were no longer synced to the music. In fact, it was off by a solid half-a-second (in other words, it was close, but far enough off to be extremely annoying). I was so confused! Why didn’t it export properly? I went back into my video editing software to double-check that something didn’t get moved, and all seemed well there.
There’s just one problem: when I originally double-checked the final film, I was playing the sound directly through my computer’s speakers.
Then, when I sat down and opened Final Cut Pro, I popped my wireless earbuds in.
And that’s when I realized: as much as I LOVE my wireless earbuds (like, they’re SO good), because they are wireless there is a lag when using them.
*face palm*
So, while I was editing and using my wireless earbuds, all of my sounds and videos matched up, but if I disconnected the earbuds – suddenly my sound was out of sync.
Thankfully, it was an easy fix, but NOW I KNOW.
And I’m officially in the market for a pair of wired headphones (probably some of those chunky gamer ones – those would be fun!) So, if you have recommendations, hit me up! - My favorite day of the month was this week: our local Tuesday’s Together meeting! This month was particularly exciting because for two very long years we have been meeting virtually (thanks pandemic) and this month was our very last “required” virtual meeting. Next month (in April), we can go back to meeting “in person” (and I just might cry happy tears).
I don’t know about you, but at the beginning of the pandemic, we just didn’t know what was going to happen, or what to expect, or how things were going to go. So, playing on the side of caution was totally fine. Everyone was game, Zoom meetings were “fun”, we were all stuck at home, and no one was going anywhere, so virtual meetings were a fabulous connection point.
However, after about 6 months of that, you could just sense that people were tired. Zoom wasn’t as fun anymore. We were being careful and wearing masks and hand sanitizing like crazy, but things were opening back up and we were leaving our houses a little more “normally”.
Fast forward 12 months and people were REALLY over the whole “virtual world” thing. We were really hoping that the Rising Tide Society would give our groups the green light to do what we felt was best in our area. Our group is small and rural, so we were ready to get back to in person meetings last year at this time. And I think we squeezed in one meeting like that until RTS said, “No, we want to keep everyone virtual together so we’re all on the same page.”
So, the last year has been rough. But our poor little group has persevered! We’ve continued to hold our meetings when so many other groups have simply fizzled out and even though it’s been discouraging, Tiffany & I have pushed through.
And we’ve finally made it! We completed our last virtual meeting on Tuesday and are counting down the days until our real-live-in-person meeting in April! Back to normal!! WOOHOO! - Yesterday was so warm and beautiful, we took the afternoon and went to the park. The kids had a blast running around – it was so good for all of us! I mean, Braelynn & Leander love being outside and scoot out to our backyard any chance they get, but there’s just something different about going somewhere else to play outside.
ANNDDD today it’s snowing.
I was actually very tempted to put our winter stuff away this week – you know: the heavy coats, the hats, gloves, boots. But, now I’m really glad I didn’t, because I would have had to dig it all back out again for today! Maybe next week will be the week to tuck that stuff into the attic? We’ll see!
[…] this photo looks familiar – I’ve taken a similar photo before!Here is last year’s version: #394,2021’s version #342,2020’s version: #290and 2018’s version: #192. (WOW my babies are […]