- Well, after we got about 5-6″ of snow last Saturday – it all melted & about 48 hours later, spring arrived! It has been absolutely delightful all week – the kids have been in heaven. It’s so wonderful to be able to shoo them outside once again – they put on their rain boots and off they go, creating adventures in our backyard.
In fact, they’ve spent so much time out in the sunshine this week – both Braelynn and Leander ended up with pink noses and cheeks from some sunburn! OOPS. - Last weekend (while we were getting that random snowstorm), Derrick actually drove down to Virginia with a roller coaster friend to check out Busch Garden’s newest ride: Pantheon. BGW did a special “passholder preview” weekend and so Derrick scooted down to check it out. He was originally just supposed to leave early Saturday morning and come home Sunday evening, but when we saw the snow in the forecast (there was snow forecasted for Williamsburg too!) he changed his plans literally at the last minute and went down on Friday – while it was still in the 60’s down there. Thankfully, it all worked out because he was able to get 4 rides on Pantheon on Friday and zero roller coasters opened in the park on Saturday (thanks to the cold weather). Talk about an absolutely crazy weekend.
- Daylight Savings Time began this past weekend (yay). Fingers crossed that the end of that nonsense is in sight though!
- With the time change & a missed nap on Friday, I made the split decision to drop Leander’s afternoon nap entirely. It just seemed like the right time to make the change and so far, it’s worked out perfectly. He’s adjusted without a single noticeable change and I’m so thankful.
I made the decision to drop his afternoon nap for several reasons:
1. It was time – kids “should” drop their afternoon nap around 3 years old because it starts to mess with their night-time sleep (obviously, that’s just a general statement – every kid is different). Leander loves to sleep and so he never gave me trouble with his afternoon nap or going to bed every night, but I knew we were getting to the end of his “afternoon-nap-lifespan”, so I decided it was a good time to cut the cord.
(For context: Braelynn dropped her afternoon nap around 2 years old – so having Leander nap for an entire 12+ months more than she did was amazing!)
2. I knew getting Leander adjusted to not napping in the afternoons would mean a better vacation when we go away to Florida next month. If the transition from a nap to no-nap was going to be rocky, I wanted to deal with it at home instead of in Florida.
3. Like I said: we were all adjusting to Daylight Savings Time anyways, so it seemed like the perfect time to jump through all the hoops at the same time!
I feel like – now a full week into “no-naps-land” – Leander is not only doing amazing (he was totally ready), but he’s grown & matured by leaps & bounds this week! He’s speaking more sentences clearer, his reasoning & logic skills have definitely improved, and I sweat he’s grown an inch. I have no idea if any of it is related to the nap transition, but it just seems like a weird coincidence. - Speaking of naps & sleeping – Braelynn has really struggled with Daylight Savings Time this week. Going to bed a whole hour earlier than her brain is telling her is time has been rough. And even though going to sleep has been tough, she only “slept in” ONE morning & then went right back to waking up at 6am. Boo.
She started complaining that her bed “wasn’t comfy” and so I got her a memory foam mattress topper. That did the trick! Suddenly her bed became the lap of luxury! It hasn’t kept her in it any later in the mornings, but she’s gone to sleep much faster every night. - Of course, the highlight of our week was packing a picnic lunch and going to meet my sister Ellen and her two girls at the park on Wednesday. We were at the park for hours – the kids had the BEST time! We played on the playground, ate lunch, played more, went for a hike, played on a different playground – it was fantastic & so delightful!
- Leander found the 3-wheeled scooter he got for his birthday in his closet this week and dragged it all the way out of his room and downstairs. He wanted me to take it out of the box, so we did and I put it together for him. He instantly asked to go for a walk – at 7am (with the gorgeous weather, we’ve been going for walks almost every single night after dinner and Braelynn always rides her scooter). I explained that he needed to practice a little bit before we take his scooter outside, so all day Thursday and Friday he’s been working on riding his little scooter around our house. It’s absolutely adorable! He’s SO proud of himself and his little scooter!
- My new Instagram account hit 100 followers this week! I know 100 followers is nothing (Derrick’s Instagram account hit 30,000 follower this week!) but it is such a big milestone for me! I’ve been working REALLY hard to build my new account and business and finally hitting 100 followers makes all that work feel worth it!