- This week was HAIRCUT week – everyone needed trimmed up & so we braced ourselves & got it done. I say that we “braced” ourselves because – well, a certain 2-year-old little boy in this family is not fond of getting his hair cut. He just doesn’t like his head being touched in general (hates getting his face wiped off after eating, etc.) So, it’s always a bit of a “game” in getting his hair trimmed. (Someday he’ll understand to just sit still for 5 minutes & he’d be done, right?) We literally try everything to distract him (we bring the iPad, I have candy, he has his blankie, & we even brought Woodie & Buzz this time) & his sitting still still only lasted for all of about 30-seconds. So, that just means our amazing hairdresser keeps an eye on him (while the rest of us get our hair trimmed) and snatches little snips of hair while he’s sitting & distracted. It’s an ordeal. But, it’s over & we won’t have to worry about that for another 2-3 months.
- We DID come home from haircuts with more than just lighter heads – we also brought home a MASSIVE Thomas the Tank Engine pop up tent! Our hairdresser sent it home with our kids & holy cow – this thing is HUGE. It’s easily 6’x6′ – I can climb inside & stand up in it! It barely fits in our house – but the kids have been LOVING it! They’ve had picnics in it, have dragged pillows & blankets in to create a reading space – they have been having a ball with it.
- Speaking of that crazy little 2-year-old – he has been on “extra-destructive” mode this week – he broke Derrick’s bedside table, broke his mini-vacuum, dumped a drink I had spent about 20-minutes making all over the floor, and has simply been on “super-mess” mode with the toys. Ay yi yi.
- If you’re curious about this week’s Abby’s Saturday photo – we did a collaboration this week with the Dyper diaper company & this photo was a remnant of that! (If you want to see the “official” photos we took – they’re posted here!)
- This week was my favorite day of the month: our Tuesday’s Together meeting! I’ve talked about it before, but just in case you’re new – I help my friend Tiffany run a small, networking group of creative entrepreneurs in our area & we meet once a month to hang out & chat about a centralized business topic. This month, Derrick actually popped in & did a small presentation on how he uses TikTok & Reels to continually grow his audience & grow his YouTube channel! It was so fun to hear him talk & have him in our meeting. (Want to join us? Send me a message – we’d love to have you!!)
- I don’t know about you – but we have all had such dry skin lately! It must be the changing weather, but geez, it’s been awful. I heard a bunch of Moms (in a Facebook group I’m in) just raving about this lotion, so I decided to grab it. It’s been AMAZING – it’s actually healing a patch of eczema I’ve had on my face for a long long time (I’ve tried so many things & nothing seemed to really touch it). I’ve literally slathered my entire body in it, used it on the kids, it’s been fabulous!
- Did you see the highlights of my very first wedding of 2021 this week? Lauren & Tim’s wedding was the most amazing way to kick off 2021 – I’m SO pumped for the rest of the year!