- Today is Derrick & I’s 11th wedding anniversary! I truly am not sure how we’ve been married for 11 years, but here we are! I won’t let all my romantic sap drip all over this post – I did that last night (so click back here if you missed that!)
If you’d like to take a trip down memory lane (and see how teeny-tiny everyone in my family was 11 years ago), you can watch our wedding highlight video here (and if you like fun, we have a “bloopers” reel too!) - Okay, so moving on – if you think that this week’s Abby’s Saturday photo is slightly out of place, THAT’S BECAUSE IT IS. This isn’t an old photo that I’ve resurrected for this week – I took this photo THIS WEEK. For some reason, our weather decided it would be funny to dip down below freezing all week & then snow on Wednesday.
My poor children – I put all of their winter coats & boots away (because, we’ve been running around in shorts & sandals over here for the last few weeks) & this week, with it being so cold, I told them they had to wear pants – YUCK. Further, I wouldn’t let them run around outside – wait for it – barefoot and with no coats on. I know, I’m a horrible Mother.
Thankfully, the cold snap has ended and the weather is getting back to more normal temps! - This week has been the semi-annual Just Between Friends Sale in Monroeville, PA. If you aren’t familiar with it – it’s a massive kids consignment sale. I participate in it every spring & fall by selling things the kids have grown out of & then I love to shop the sale to buy them new things! I absolutely love consignment shopping & thrifting, so this sale takes that obsession to a whole new level. It’s in the Monroeville Convention Center – so it’s HUGE & I absolutely love it. This sale seemed to be larger than ever (in fact, I only remember attending one sale that was bigger than this one) – there was so much stuff. It was a bit overwhelming (in a good way). I was a little nervous after shopping on Wednesday that the sheer amount would mean I wouldn’t sell as much of my own stuff (because, there is just too much competition), but surprisingly, I’ve done really well! The sale is all day tomorrow & half the day Sunday, and already I’ve made back what I spent plus more! So, I’m very happy with that!
- Leander has a handful of books that are his favorite that he loves to read every night before bed. There are enough that we (fortunately) don’t have to read the same books every night, but not enough that I don’t have his favorite books memorized. I’ve been trying to get him to branch out a bit (it’s hard, he’s quite stubborn), but this week I introduced him to a few Usborne books that have the little yellow duck hidden on every page? As soon as he figured that out – he was sold. It’s so fun! I remember reading the “Find the Duckie” books with Braelynn & some of my siblings when they were little, so it’s wonderful to see him figuring it out & loving the concept too!
- Braelynn has been getting into building puzzles. She has a 100-piece puzzle that she’s built, by herself, a few times now & I picked her up a 150-piece puzzle at the Sale this week. She sat & built the whole thing (with minimal help) all before breakfast yesterday morning. She was SO proud of herself! I got her a 200-piece Toy Story puzzle for her to try next!
- A few weeks ago, I talked about how I have an exercise bike & how I use the Peloton app with it (if you aren’t sure what I’m talking about, you can go back & read those posts here & here). Well, this week, I hit my “century ride” – meaning I’ve completed 100 cycling classes on the Peloton app! I didn’t even realize I’d hit the milestone – I got an email that said: “Congratulations on your Century Ride!” and I was like, “huh?” I mean, I knew I was getting close, but I had forgotten to pay attention that I was really close! I really really love cycling – I’m so glad I found a form of exercise that I love to do!
- Well – I’m off to photograph a wedding today! Kim & Dan will share Derrick & I’s anniversary (isn’t that fun?) They were one of my 2020 couples who moved their wedding into 2021, in the hopes of hosting their wedding with fewer restrictions & regulations. I’m so excited to celebrate with them today – I’ll be blogging the highlights of their day later this week – stay tuned!