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Abby’s Saturday // Three Hundred And Fifty-Six

Happy Fathers Day to XscreamThrills in Irwin PA
  • Happy Father’s Day weekend to the best father to our sweet babies! I have to be honest: these two “parent” holidays (Mother’s Day & Father’s Day) really sneak up on me & catch me by surprise. Anyone else? I feel like, I have a good sense on when birthdays fall & other holidays occur, but the “parent holidays” always seem to silently creep up on the calendar & then BAM there they are.
    Regardless – I am overwhelmingly thankful to have the most wonderful Father on the planet. I have had the privilege of having an amazing Father-in-Law for 11 years. And I have been so blessed to have lovely relationships with both of my Grandfathers. Derrick truly has an incredible example to live up to & he’s a great father to our kiddos.
    (If you want to see past Father’s Day photos – they’re here! #304, #251, #204)
    PS: can you tell which member of the family did not want to cooperate in this year’s Father’s Day photo?
  • So, last Friday was Derrick’s birthday. Since I photographed a wedding all day, we decided that we would take the rest of the weekend to celebrate (if you don’t know Derrick, birthdays are a BIG deal to him). We got up Saturday morning, packed, and hopped in the car to go spend some time doing Derrick’s favorite activity: riding roller coasters (duh). We went to Hersheypark for 2 hours on Saturday night & then went back for all day on Sunday. The park was bursting with people on Saturday, so that made us really nervous for Sunday, but the day actually ended up being not so bad! Rain threatened all day long, so I think that scared the extra crowds away. We had a fabulous time (Hersheypark is a really fun park).
    Then, we came home Sunday night – only to get up Monday morning & continue our roller coaster riding fun at Kennywood! We went with my Mom & Ruby & the park was empty – it was delightful! We pretty much walked onto every single ride (again, rain was threatening all day long & eventually rolled in around 3pm – but by that time, we were done & ready to head home).
    We came home Monday night & made steak & scallops for dinner. We’ve never cooked scallops before, but Derrick has been watching all of these cooking shows, so he wanted to try his hand at it. They turned out okay, but I think we overcooked them. They made our entire house smell SUPER fishy – for about 2 days all we could smell was seafood – oops! It was a fun little experiment though!
  • On Tuesday, Leander had a routine doctors check-up, and since we were out, I decided to run a few errands. I rarely take the kids with me to the store anymore & on Tuesday, we went to three stores. It was a bit challenging, or maybe chaotic is a better choice of word? Regardless, we were at Aldi, our third & final stop, walking up to the check-out, when I looked at the kids & said, “Listen, can we just keep it together thru the check-out line, please?!” and Braelynn looked at me & said, “Sure Mom, I can keep it together, but Leander keeps pulling it apart.”
  • On Wednesday, we went to Kennywood again. I had a photoshoot close to the park & so we decided to go, have dinner there, and then the kids & Derrick could hang out & ride rides, while I went off & did my shoot.
    Remember how I said the park was dead on Monday? Well, Wednesday was a beautiful, sunny, 70º day, and the park was packed out the wazoo. We hardly found a place to park, it was insane. We were still able to successfully get dinner though & the kids made it on a bunch of kiddieland rides – so overall, it wasn’t too bad.
  • We have a Mama bird & baby birds in a birdhouse on our porch! The kids have loved watching the Mama bird fly back & forth from the birdhouse to go get bugs or worms & when she returns, listening to the babies squeaking like crazy up in the birdhouse!
  • I bought one of these, on council from my sister – I’m anxious to try it out & see if it works! I’ll report back if it does.
  • I made a pretty big announcement (but in a totally chill, quiet way) on my personal Facebook page yesterday. Did you see it?
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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

Hi! I'm Kara!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a full time engagement & wedding photographer based in Irwin, PA & I love to write!


I blog about 3 main topics:

•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


I'm so thankful you've found your way here!

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