- We got a BIG snow storm this week! It was bigger than the initial snow we got to kick off the year, but still not as big as we were hoping. (Why do they always predict more snow than we ever get?)
Sunday night going into Monday, we got a total of about 6-7″ of snow (it was super-duper windy, so it was a bit tricky to get an accurate measurement). We were hoping for (and expecting) between 8-12″ of “heavy” snow, so while the 6-7″ was fun – it was also super powdery, which means (once again), no snowmen. Boo. We did manage to build a pretty large “tunnel” (what else can you do with snow that isn’t really “packable”?) so, they kids had a blast with that!
It’s been absolutely freezing all week though – it was -3º when we woke up this morning! So, as much as the kids have been dying to get out & play in the snow, we’ve only managed short “bursts” of time outside every day.
The one day, I got the kids all dressed up in their gear to go outside (and yes, I had Leander sit on the potty before getting dressed up) – they were outside for a total of 3 minutes, before Leander was standing at the door, pounding, yelling, “I need to poop!” If you’ve ever gone thru the process of dressing a small child for cold weather, you know how time-consuming & challenging it can be, so to suddenly have to un-do all of that work (and quickly) to get him to the potty – well, let’s just say I felt like I was in some sort of weird, twisted race.
(We made it, by the way!) - Thankfully, it’s been a slow week in the Abbey house. Other than a trip out to Hobby Lobby to pick up some party supplies, we stayed home! We felt a little bit like we were hibernating.
- Speaking of “parties” – we have a BIG one coming up next week! A certain small person in our house is turning SEVEN (oh my goodness) – so we are very quickly headed into full-blown party mode!
- Since we’ve been home, I’ve been really buckled down, trying to push my new business closer to an official “open” status! Starting a new business is not for the faint of heart – but I actually made HUGE strides forward this week! Derrick helped me film a promo last weekend (which I edited & put together this week), my website is almost done (there are just a few minor tweaks that need made), I started to set up my client management software, which lead me down the path of registering my business with the state (& all of the fun stuff that comes with that – namely, taxes – yay). Basically, I’m down to two major tasks left & then I can put the finishing touches on everything & start to really move forward! I’m getting really excited!!
- This week my “photography” behind-the-scenes blog post dropped! Did you see it? It’s always so fun to go back & see photos of myself working thru the year (usually followed up by me asking: what in the world possessed me to wear that?) Go check it out!