- Happy February! (Anyone else feel like January was the longest month of the year & yet equally blindsided that it went by so fast?)
- So, how do you feel about painting? Painting walls? Painting walls with dark colors?
The wall at the bottom of our staircase has been in need of repair since we moved into this house 6 1/2 years ago. It just went along with the rest of our house in that – whoever lived here before, thought they could “YouTube” their way thru some DIY projects & they ended up screwing up every single one of them. And one of those was the wall at the base of our stairs. It’s slowly gotten a tiny bit worse year after year – cracking & threatening to come apart, but we’ve just put it on the “one day we’ll fix it” list.
Until about a month ago when Leander realized it was cracking & decided it would be fun to pick at it.
And since Leander had picked a large section of the wall off, Derrick expanded on that “hole” (it wasn’t really a hole as much as it was a top layer of plaster) to see exactly what was underneath.
Needless to say, that corner of my wall looked a bit “abandoned-ghost-house” for a few weeks.
Thankfully, when Derrick’s parents came last weekend for Braelynn’s birthday party, his Dad was able to completely (and correctly) fix the wall. They had to rip the entire thing down and in doing so, realized that there was no insulation – around the pipes or in the wall – which is likely why it was slowly deteriorating. So, once the pipes were insulated, & the wall insulated, drywall went up & spackling went on. It already looked better, just in that half-fixed state!!
So, last night, Derrick sanded down the spackling, primed the wall, and painted it a brand new color! It’s actually the same color as our “accent” wall in the living room (a dark navy blue), so it ties in really nicely! I am quite obsessed with it! It looked amazing last night & looks even better this morning in the daylight!
A few more things need done before the project can be declared “finished”: touch-ups, trim put back up, etc. but it looks fantastic & I absolutely love it! - Now that Braelynn’s birthday is over, we have moved into full-blown baby shower mode!! My sister’s baby shower is one month from today! Invitations went out this week – it’s all starting to come together & I’m so excited!
- Today is my very first (official) photoshoot of the year! YAY! I’m headed downtown to shoot portraits for a couple who just eloped & wanted to get some portraits taken to celebrate! It’s going to be a lot of fun & so beautiful with all the fresh snow we got yesterday (just a little freezing since temps aren’t supposed to get out of the low 20’s today!)
- Totally random, but I bought black nail polish this week (I added it to our Amazon Subscribe & Save stuff for the discount). I’ve (secretly) wanted black nail polish forever (like, decades) but always talked myself out of getting it. Well, it came yesterday & I painted my nails & shhhh: I love it.
- Also, since I was on a “buying stuff for myself” kick, I pre-ordered Francine Rivers newest book (it comes out next week!) I had some gift card rewards that I used for that (don’t worry, your money crunching, dollar-pinching girl is still here).
- Derrick & I booked a trip this week – a trip without our children (*gasp*). We have only left our kids overnight one time – and that was when Braelynn was 3 years old (and Leander wasn’t even born yet).
Anyone want to guess where we’re headed? - Are you ready? It’s February & that means it’s FEBRUARY FAVORITES month! (I just made that up, kind of catchy, isn’t it?) Once upon a time I welcomed in the new year by publishing my favorite images in January, but there is just so many other things that happen in January on my blog, so a few years ago, I began waiting until February & it’s just stuck. It gives me time to go thru all of my files & pull my favorites (that process takes forever) – and fills a traditionally “boring” month with fun, pretty pictures!
So, I start this week with my favorite roller coaster images & we go from there! Stay tuned!