D&K adventures: Big news of the week: we have bats! In our attic! And just in case you were wondering: it is not fun! Derrick carries a tennis racket around everywhere with him now [especially at night]. We had one in our kitchen earlier this week. Imagine: us, screaming like little girls, running, hiding, realizing how silly we look & giggling, then trying to figure out what in the world you do to get it out of our house. Not cool. Derrick called an exterminator person who came out to peak in our attic & you guessed it, they’re up there!
Abby’s antics: Abby could care less about our bat problem. You’d think with one flying around our kitchen & them being up in our attic that she’d get all protective & bark or at least whine at them. Nope. She simply doesn’t care. She’s more concerned with watching Man of Steel with Derrick!
Radiating thankfulness: It isn’t confirmed yet, but it is sounding more and more optimistic that our home owner’s insurance is going to take care of getting rid of our bats!! We’re praying that it does because it comes with quite the hefty price tag! They’re in our attic & living in the insulation, so not only do they need flushed out & their entry point sealed, but all of our insulation needs replaced. So, we’re trusting God that our insurance will come though & take care of this huge cost!!