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Abby’s Saturday // Four Hundred And Two

19 Abbys Saturday Happy Mothers Day in Irwin PA
  • Coming home from a 10-day (glorious) vacation is rough.
    Not only is there the unpacking and laundry and getting back to normal routines, the return of meal-planning and grocery shopping and going back to work, but there is no more “big exciting thing” to countdown and look forward to anymore.
    We got back from vacation Monday night and so it’s been a week of “resetting” for us. Braelynn only has about 3 weeks of school left (I had tried to figure out if it was possible to squeeze it all in before we went on our vacation and it was just a little too much). But that first day back after vacation was tough-stuff (the rest of the week was better). So, resetting and recovery has been the theme of the week. All of the laundry is done, all of the suitcases have been unpacked, and the car needs swept out but is otherwise clean.
    I had a whole list of things I wanted to accomplish before we left – a list that was honestly a little too long (and I knew it was too long but I was really trying to finish it regardless). But, guess what? I didn’t complete that list (which was REALLY hard to swallow as a Type A, Enneagram 1) Needless to say: that list was still waiting for me when I got home, which was really hard because all I wanted to do was jump straight into editing our vacation photos and videos (and not those half-accomplished left-over tasks from 2 weeks ago!) I’m the type of person though who “eats their brussel sprouts before their mashed potatoes” though, so I’ve been buckling down all week to finish those “old” tasks (it’s been a bit torturous, but good motivation!) Last night, I officially checked the last box which means NOW I can dig into our vacation footage!! Lots of photos and videos coming soon!
  • Okay, enough about coming home from vacation.
    Along with being a week of recovery and reset, it’s also been a week of potty training. Wait, what? Yes, we are potty training again.
    After nearly 3 months of potty training Leander (December, January, and February) and him just not getting it, I gave up. I simply could not keep at it anymore. So, we took a break for 2 months, and now we’re back at it again.
    The good news is: this time, I really feel like he’s ready. He understands what he’s doing so much better, he’s much more willing to sit on the potty, I feel like he’s actually getting it this time. We’re only a few days in, so I’m not claiming success yet, but so far, this round of potty training has been much better than the last round!
  • My sister Amy went into labor 12 hours after we left for vacation. Yes, that’s right – she waited for us to get 2/3 of the way down to Florida & then Mr. Leo decided it was time to come into the world (2 weeks early). We had just seen her the day before & made her promise not to have her baby until we got home, but instead, she barely made it past us leaving. It was a long, hard labor (thankfully, my Mom kept me updated via text the entire time) and Leo was born on Derrick & I’s 12th wedding anniversary!! How cool is that?!
    We finally got to meet him yesterday! He is the tiniest, sweetest, little blonde babe – Braelynn instantly fell head-over-heels in love with him. She just wanted to hold him and didn’t want to give him up – it was so sweet!! Leander kept tip-toeing around him, telling us to “shhhh”, and smiling at “Baby Yeo”.
  • A crazy storm blew through Tuesday night & blew part of our fence over! Yikes. Thankfully, that was the worst of it for us (so many people around us were out of power for 18+ hours) but other than the kids (mostly Braelynn) being super scared, that was all. You can actually kind of see where the fence was broken & Derrick nailed it back up in this photo! A new fence is on our list of “things to do” this summer!
  • This weekend is Mother’s Day weekend (and you better believe I plan to milk that title for all it’s worth!) And Braelynn told me last night that for Mother’s Day, she will let me sleep in until (wait for it) 7am.
    We have a fun weekend planned though – I’m going back over to see Amy and Nathan and Leo for some newborn photos, we have plans to go to Kennywood, Derrick has to go buy some wood and a window for a big project that’s happening next weekend (!!) Lots of fun in store (even if it’s not still “vacation”).
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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

Hi! I'm Kara!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a full time engagement & wedding photographer based in Irwin, PA & I love to write!


I blog about 3 main topics:

•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


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