- Have you seen the meme going around this week that says something along the lines of: “Wow, summer just clocked out at the end of it’s shift, didn’t it?”
There is literally no other way to describe how quickly we have descended into FALL. The last day of summer (last week) was warm and sunny and in the 80’s and every single day since, it’s been cold – some days we haven’t even made it into the mid-60’s.
In other words: all I have felt like doing this week is snuggling up under a pile of warm blankets and going into hibernation mode (hence the inspiration for this week’s photo).
We haven’t turned our heat on yet though! At it’s coldest, our house sank down to 65º, but it warmed back up to 70º thanks to a nice sunny day. It’s been chilly at night, but so far, no one has really complained (we’ve just piled extra blankets on the beds!) Yes – we are those people. - Our sweet pup hasn’t had the best week – Derrick took Abby to the vet yesterday. Starting on Thursday, she was weak, shaking, having trouble walking, and throwing up. Her usual vet couldn’t get her in right away, so Derrick had to take her to an emergency vet place. They said the wait to see the vet was 10 hours (!) but a tech was able to see her right away. She took her vitals and was able to give a quick assessment – that she seemed in perfect health. She said she thought Abby’s weakness and trouble walking was probably just arthritis (exasperated by the sudden temperature change) and the throwing up was likely un-related and just a passing thing. She said that Derrick could wait to see the vet, but her opinion was to just take her home and monitor her. So, that’s what we’re doing (and we’ve changed up her food – taken her back to just plan chicken and rice, which is what we fed her last year when she was sick). Fingers crossed we have our normal pup back in a few days!
- We’re still riding the potty-training SUCCESS train! We’re almost up to 4 weeks of no-accidents! The BIG feat for the week this week was going to church in underwear! We warned the lady who runs the nursery that he was in underwear, that he’s been doing super good, but he might need to use the potty. And he did GREAT – no accidents! (I’ll be honest: that felt like a HUGE win, because I knew he would be the most distracted at church.)
He did go through a few pairs of pants on Monday – not because he was having full-blown accidents, but because he wasn’t getting to the potty fast enough (he was waiting too long). So, he had some minor wet pants. It was just Monday though, he’s since course-corrected and we’ve been 100% dry ever since!
I plan on celebrating this success for at least the next 6 months. It took so long to get to this point! - Last weekend’s wedding was a dream – my family has known Nathan (the groom’s) family for years and years, so being a part of their celebration was so much fun! The whole day was absolutely perfect – go see the highlights here!
- Braelynn has grown out of half of the shoes I bought her for fall and winter already. Since it’s been so chilly, I pulled out the boots I had gotten for her and she put them on (dress boots and casual boots) – only to realize they were pinching her toes! I feel like this always happens to us in the fall – I buy the size I think she’ll be in, but then she goes through a big growth spurt right at the end of summer and needs a whole new round of clothes and shoes. Both of the kids are just growing like weeds – it’s crazy! I had to go buy more pants for Leander this week too!
- Speaking of the kids: we’ve been really struggling with the plans for our Halloween costumes this year. Leander just wants to be Woody (we did a Toy Story theme two years ago) and Braelynn wants to be a dog. We’ve always done costumes that go together though, so I was trying to encourage them to pick something else – I thought we’d settled on Braelynn being Princess Peach and Leander being Mario (!!) but then they changed their minds again. Leander asked to be Snoopy and Braelynn said she wanted to be a cat. So, I guess we’ll see what happens!