- Well – that time of year has once again come: time to close up the Lake House and say goodbye to Deep Creek Lake, MD for another winter season.
It was a funny year at the lake this year – it seemed to fly by faster than ever (is that the theme of my life or what?) We spent “time” there, but we didn’t spend as much time there as we have in past years. We simply had a super busy summer. And with my youngest sister now working and my Mom responsible for taking her to work and picking her up (plus helping my Grandparents more and more), time just seemed to fade away.
I couldn’t just let it go though, so we squeezed in one last Deep Creek Lake visit for the year and WOW am I glad we did. The leaves down there are at perfect peak right now – it’s absolutely stunning. And this weekend is Autumn Glory weekend – the county’s fall festival that happens every year – and the past few years, it’s been cold and rainy and icky, but this year, they’re about to have the most beautiful Autumn Glory Saturday that they’ve had in a LONG time.
My children are there – living it up with Grandma and Grandpa and Auntie Ruby. I left them last night so I could come home and shoot my last wedding of the year today! (I’m heading out to Green Gables – I love it out there!) Then, I have my last round of mini sessions tomorrow afternoon – Derrick is going to Kennywood for a media event today – we’ve got a busy weekend. - In between all of that – we’re also working toward finishing our front room! (Thus, Abby and the paint stuff.) We’re priming the walls, painting the trim, putting the bench I bought together, and (fingers crossed) getting the room completely functional! We had a few setbacks with the one corner leaking a few weeks ago, but now it’s full-steam ahead! I’m so excited to see it all painted – it’s going to be amazing!
- We went to Kennywood last Saturday for Phantom Fall Fest. It was a beautiful (but chilly) day. We were there early for passholder preview stuff, got exclusive ride time on all of the rides at the front of the park, and then had a free lunch with Kenny Kangaroo! We had a blast! (You can watch my vlog about our day HERE.)
The only not-so-great-spot to our day was that Leander had his first full blown accident in over a month there (of course). He has been doing so good! We spent a weekend at Papa & Nana’s (and about 10 hours in the car to get there & back), we’ve gone to church, gone to the store, gone to other people’s houses, gone to the park – all with zero problems – until Kennywood.
It’s partially Derrick & I’s fault: we weren’t paying attention to how much he was drinking from our souvinier cups. We kept asking him if he needed to use the potty – not realizing A. how full his bladder must be and B. he didn’t want to stop riding rides to go to the potty. All lessons we have now learned and we’ll do much better next time. Poor kid. - Last Sunday morning I had a sunrise engagement session up on Mount Washington! It was freezing (when we started, it was around 29º) and sadly, there were no clouds in the sky to make the sunrise extra epic, but it was still a ton of fun! My couple was SO amazing at dealing with the cold and the wind – I can’t wait to show off more of their photos!! It was such a different session – I loved it!
- After a full week of being on some pain meds and some joint meds – our Abby pup seems to finally be getting back to her normal self. She’s still a smidge bit slow, but overall, she’s back to her playful, active, attentive self. She’s been jumping up on the couch to sit with us, faithfully going upstairs to sleep with Braelynn every night, she’s even been pulling out her ball to play with in the house. It’s good to have our girl back.