- I’m officially an adult.
I bought a new blender and I’m head over heels in love.
(Funny story, I bought our previous blender, brand-new-in-the-box, off of Facebook Marketplace as a gift for Derrick for Christmas around 5-6 years ago. He wanted to make smoothies & our Target blender wasn’t cutting it, so I got him a Ninja.)
I now use that blender 3-4 times a week to make my own breakfast smoothies (among other things) and it broke a few weeks ago. It was just the lid that broke, so I tried to see if I could simply buy another lid – but it was going to cost me just about the same as buying a brand new blender.
I decided to hold off until Prime Days last week to see what deals I could find and my brand new “Professional Grade” Ninja arrived this week!
I made “ice cream” in it the first night and instantly fell in love (I used this recipe & it was DELICIOUS.)
I made my first breakfast smoothie in it on Thursday morning and I have never drank a smoother drink. I thought my original Ninja was pretty good – I mean, sure there were some tiny pieces of stuff that didn’t get blended up, but that’s normal, right? WRONG. My new Ninja blended every ounce of stuff I put into it into oblivion. I was completely blown away.
I’m not sure if there is anything more “adult” than being thrilled to pieces by a new blender. - But maybe there is! My hammock (which I also purchased over Prime Days) is ALSO my new favorite thing. I rarely get to sit in it though – the kids love it and fight over who is sitting in it. So, my strategy is to just let them go for a few weeks, the hammock will get “old”, and then I’ll be free to sit in it all by myself – right? At least, that’s my hope.
- How about a potty training update? I haven’t given one of those in a few weeks, mostly because I’ve been holding my breath that we are actually making progress. But, Leander has finally seemed to get it. In fact, we’ve had days this week where we’ve had NO ACCIDENTS AT ALL. I’m terrified to say that because I feel like I’m going to jinx it, but I literally feel like screaming from the rooftops!! He’s getting really good at using the potty at home (meaning: recognizing when he needs to go and not relying on us continuously asking him to go) – and he’s getting better and better at using the potty when we’re out. I haven’t been brave enough to take him to the store in underpants yet, but we’ve made a few outings to my parent’s house in underwear and he’s done great! He even told us he needed to go to the potty a few times when we were on a trip last weekend (including a few times in the car – most of the time we were able to stop, but once we were literally in the middle of nowhere, so Leander got to take his first “bush wee” – if you watch Bluey, you know what that is). I’m SO proud of him and how far he’s come in the last few weeks! This journey has been one of the longest, hardest tasks ever and I’m so excited to be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!
- So yes, we traveled last weekend! We took a 3-day weekend and visited Kings Dominion and Busch Gardens Williamsburg. We actually visited Kings Dominion 3 times (Friday night, all day Saturday, and Monday morning). It’s such a pretty, underrated park, we had a lot of fun there (even though we did get rained out on Saturday afternoon). Vlogs and photos and more coming soon from that trip!
- As we were leaving on Friday, I asked Braelynn if she knew where we were going and she said: “Kings Minions and Olive Garden” – close enough.
- Derrick and I have been watching Netflix’s Lost In Space – it’s SUCH a good show! We’ve watched Seasons 1 and 2 previously and when Season 3 came out, we weren’t able to watch it right away, but we’re ready now! We had to go back and re-watch Season 2 to remember what was going on, but that’s okay – we’ve really enjoyed it! Highly suggest Lost In Space if you like beautiful, sci-fi, thriller-style TV shows!
- The kids are still fighting these lingering colds and coughs. They aren’t bad and most of the time you’d never even know they were sick, but they’re still there. I’m ready for our “summer of sickness” to be over!
[…] We took this photo last year, remember? (Abby looked much happier last year to take a ride in the hammock – she definitely was not sure what she was getting into this year!) We still love and adore and use our hammock – it’s held up remarkably well! Abby’s Saturday #413 […]