- This is a continuation of my “pool” series!
I’ve taken a handful of (this is the 8th – so I guess that’s more than a handful!) Abby’s Saturday photos based around the different kiddie pools we’ve had & so of course we had to continue the “trend”!
If you want to go back & see the “pool” progression (and stare in disbelief at how my kids have grown), here they are:
Four hundred and eleven
Three hundred and fifty-nine
Three hundred and ten
Two hundred and fifty-eight
Two hundred and eight
Two hundred and two
One hundred and fifty-three - Today is my first Saturday that we are both home and I do not have a wedding in 13 weeks! WHEW – it’s been a whirlwind for sure! I literally do not even know what to do with myself today – what does one do at home on a Saturday in the summer? (Maybe we should go to Kennywood – except it’s currently thunderstorming – poop.)
- Speaking of amusement parks – this week wasn’t without one! We went to Kennywood last Sunday and then went to Idlewild with my Mom, my sister, and my nephew on Tuesday! We had a blast – we spent several hours in the waterpark (which was honestly all my children wanted to do), rode a ton of rides, played in Jumpin’ Jungle, ate ice cream – it was a gorgeous, wonderful day.
- Leander had his second visit to the dentist this week – and I am SO proud of him – he did AMAZING! We’d been hyping him up for it all week, so by the time his appointment came, he was pumped. He was slightly nervous for half a second and asked if I would sit in the chair with him, but then he climbed up in the chair himself and proceeded to take on the rest of the appointment like a PRO. He laid in the chair, let the dentist clean and check his teeth – it was a massive success! (During his first appointment, he refused to sit by himself and he was so nervous the entire time. He had so much more confidence this time and I’m so stinking proud of him!)
- On the way to church Wednesday night, Braelynn and I heard an audible CA-CHUNK right as we were getting off the exit for church. I looked in my mirrors, expecting to see something, but couldn’t see anything in the road. Our church is only about 1 mile from the exit, but about 1/4 of a mile down the road, my “low tire pressure” light came on – and I knew we had a problem. I pulled into the church parking lot, parked, got out to look at my tires, and my back right tire was audibly leaking air and was just about as flat as a pancake (insert that “shocked emoji” here). Derrick was at home with Leander, and of all the weeks – my Dad was out of town at Father/Daughter Camp (or else, he would have been at church too).
And thus ensues a long story about my tire.
Go figure – I was actually the one supposed to teach the kids’ lesson on Wednesday night. So I walked in and thankfully one of the guys who runs the kids’ ministry was standing at the door – so I asked him if he would come out and take a look at my tire. He did and was like, “Yikes, that’s not good.”
He was like, I know you’re supposed to be teaching tonight, so just give me your keys and I’ll get you back up and running so you can at least get home.
So, I went into church and taught my lesson, and came out to my tire not flat as a pancake, but obviously still leaking air. He explained that he’d tried to put my spare tire on, but my tires have a locking bolt that I didn’t have the un-locking piece for (turns out, I did have the piece, but I didn’t realize it at the time). So, he had gone and got a bottle of fix-a-flat stuff for me, and it was barely holding. He was hopeful that I would get home and so off Braelynn and I went. We prayed a lot on that drive, and thankfully, we made it home. Our tire was pretty much flat as a pancake again, but at least we were home!
The tricky part of this whole story is: Derrick was headed out of town Thursday morning and wouldn’t be back until Friday afternoon. He was able to get the spare tire on Wednesday night, but it was up to me to go get a new tire.
We called our garage first thing Thursday morning and they said they would have to order a tire in. They weren’t sure if they would get it that day or the next, but they said they’d call as soon as they got it in.
And thus, we were stuck at home all day Thursday and most of the day Friday, without a vehicle to go anywhere. I thought it was wonderful, but my children were going crazy. We had floated a few “ideas” of what we could do while Daddy was out of town earlier in the week, so when we suddenly weren’t able to do any of them (due to not having a vehicle), you’d have thought the whole world was ending.
The call finally came late Friday morning that my new tire was in and I could come after lunch to get it put on. Twenty minutes at the garage and we were back in business!
If you are visualizing me audibly sighing with relief that that ordeal is over – that would be accurate. - Last night, Leander stepped on a bee and got stung. We would have never known though, because he never reacted! He was playing outside – Derrick and I were in the kitchen making dinner – and the only reason we knew was because Braelynn came running into the house freaking out that Leander had gotten stung by a bee.
Apparently, because there was no blood, it didn’t bother him one bit. We used the bug-bite-thing to pull the stinger/venom out and he was completely fine.
Talk about a different experience from his sister getting stung by a bee – I think Braelynn wailed for a solid two hours!