- It’s that time of year again!
Happy “back to school”! (And happy it’s-the-first-time-Leander-gets-to-hold-a-back-to-school-sign-too!)
We officially started school this week. It’s funny, last year, I remember being SO ready for school to start – I found myself longing for the return to our routine and schedule and I missed our school-time.
But that was last year.
This year? I’m not quite ready to go back to school. My theory is that because I had such a crazy-busy (photography-wise) June and July, that I never really feel like I got a good summer break. I went straight from school-routine, into a very-intense-photography-routine, and now we’re going back into the school-routine.
It’s totally fine, but it’s just interesting what a completely different place I’m in this year, compared to last year (when my wedding season didn’t pick up until late summer and into the fall and I had a mostly quiet summer).
So, needless to say, the beginning of the week was a bit “rough” – like driving down a road filled with pot-holes. We were making forward motion, but it was bumpy. Thankfully, but the end of the week we were starting to find our groove a bit more and things were definitely getting better (smoother and easier). It’s just a matter of finding our rhythm again.
If you’d like to take a stroll down memory lane (UGH this one has a bite to it), here is last year’s “first day of 2nd Grade” photo, the year before’s “first day of 1st Grade” photo, the year before’s “first day of Kindergarten” photo & before that the “first day of Preschool” photo. - Bees seem to be the theme of the summer – Braelynn got stung, Derrick’s gotten stung twice, and now Leander’s been stung twice. The first time he got stung, he didn’t even flinch – that wasn’t the case with this time though – it was big crocodile tears and lots of wailing. Apparently, there was a bee on the patio, and without thinking that he didn’t have shoes on, he decided to go over and stomp on it. Oops.
- Our bee problem has been so bad though because we found that we had bees nesting in several holes in our yard. Apparently they were constructing a whole Walt Disney World tunnel system back there. It took Derrick multiple tries to get rid of them, but after burning them out several nights in a row – he was finally able to declare victory over the bees! Hopefully now we can finish off our summer without any more bee stings.
- Tuesday was my favorite day of the month – our monthly Rising Tide Society meeting! We went to a restaurant with an outdoor seating area this month that I had never been to before – and it blew my socks off. I’m still dreaming of all the delicious food, drinks, and dessert we had – and I’m trying to figure out how I can get back there for a date-night with Derrick (we don’t get out on dates very often). It’s always so refreshing to gather with like-minded creative entrepreneurs, swap “horror” stories, share advice, and just get away from our computer screens and chat with other people who “get it”.
- Next week is the big semi-annual kids consignment sale that I take part of every spring and fall. I had already gathered all of the clothes I was going to sell, but this week was spent gathering everything else up (toys, books, accessories) and getting it all entered into the system. I still have about 50 tags I need to physically attach, but I don’t drop my stuff off until Tuesday night, so I’ll get it done! I LOVE shopping this sale and always find the best stuff! With it being the fall sale – I’m on the hunt for Christmas stuff (I can’t wait to see what I find!)
- Leander got a new carseat this week! He was on the verge of outgrowing his old seat and so Derrick decided it was time to get him an upgrade. Leander wasn’t too keen on the idea – apparently (unknown to us) he was very attached to his old carseat – go figure. This new seat will carry him straight through to not needing a carseat anymore (how is that even on the horizon?)
- I finally had time this week to begin working on our family vlogs again! We traveled so much in the late-spring and then went straight into crazy-bananas-wedding season that I never had the time to edit the thousands of videos I took of us on our adventures! I was worried that it would be annoying to go back to trips we took months ago, but it’s actually been super fun because I’ve been able to re-live all the fun! I completed our Dollywood vlog and it went live last night – lots more to come!