- What a week we’ve had! I honestly don’t even know where to begin.
- Let’s start at the beginning: so last Saturday (one week ago), I photographed Dan and Amy’s beautiful and wonderful wedding. It was incredible.
- I worked REALLY hard Sunday to get a solid jump-start on the “post-wedding stuff” from that wedding – like, working hard is fairly normal for me, especially during wedding season – but this was next-level.
And it was for good reason. - Because Monday morning, we woke up and drove down to the Lake House. (If you’re new around here: my family owns a house on Deep Creek Lake in Maryland). My Mom and nieces were anxiously waiting for us to arrive and thus started a week-long stay at the Lake!
We weren’t at the Lake for just any old week though – this was VBS week at my parent’s church in Oakland, MD. I’ve talked about this particular VBS before – it’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced (which is why we do everything we can to attend every single year!) It’s 100% family-integrated and like I was telling Derrick, unlike other VBS’s that I’ve been a part of – sure, you walk away at the end of the week exhausted, but not drained. It’s so refreshing and fun – and our kids LOVE it.
So, thus started a week of daily swimming in the lake, endless memories made with Grandma and the cousins (my sister and her girls stayed for the entire week too), and VBS every evening. It was really wonderful. We had a gorgeous week! Braelynn and I went biking almost every single day (which unlocked a new “level” of parenting that I didn’t realize would be SO WONDERFUL – we would bike for about 2 miles and chat the entire time, it was pure delight). - I do have a wedding this today though, so you can imagine that I spent a solid chunk of time at the Lake, working on post-wedding stuff from last Saturday and pre-wedding stuff for today! It was slightly crazy, and I knew full-well that it would be, but I also knew that the work (and crazy) would be worth it (and it was). I’m so excited for today’s wedding – it’s going to be beautiful and I cannot wait!
But having a wedding today, meant that I had to come home from the Lake last night. The last night of VBS is always the most anticipated – the church brings in a bunch of bouncy-houses and they do tons of fun games – it’s a blast! But, I had to leave to come home (insert sad face here). I was able to leave Braelynn and Leander to experience the last night of VBS and have fun though, as my Mom and sister volunteered to keep them overnight. They’ll come home today and words cannot express how excited I am to kiss their little heads and see them sleeping in their beds when I get home from my wedding today! I miss them SO MUCH (and it hasn’t even been 24 hours since I was last with them). - On the way to the Lake on Monday, I actually was able to drop off April and Bobby’s wedding albums! Bobby works literally half-way between my house and the Lake, so I was able to easily stop off and personally deliver those albums (which is always my FAVORITE!) I can’t wait to show you more of their albums – they turned out STUNNING!