- Sometimes I plan and prep and get very creative (and let’s be honest, agonize and fret and wrack my brain for ideas) with this weekly photo of Abby.
And then sometimes, the moment happens super organically and I simply walk over and snap a photo of real, daily life – which is precisely what happened with this photo. - My zucchini plants are dying. I don’t understand what happened. They were doing so amazing – they were so hearty and healthy and I had several baby zucchinis growing!
Then, we went away last week and I made Derrick promise to water them. He did, but he was gone for about 48 hours himself (he had to travel up to New York for work). And apparently, that 48 hours of neglect was too much for them and they all severely wilted. I’ve been doing my best to nurse them back to health, but I’m having doubts that they’re going to make it. I just don’t know what happened!
My tomatoes are still thriving though, so I’m crossing all of my fingers and toes! We have about 20 golf-ball-ish size tomatoes, so we’re just waiting (anxiously) for them to turn red so we can harvest them! - This week’s summer reading program at the library was a magic show! We went and the kids declared it better than the artist we saw a few weeks ago! It was a ton of fun and so entertaining (and, you guessed it, my children have been attempting to do magic tricks ever since we saw the show!)
- I took the kids biking a little further than usual around our house. Typically, we just do a one-block-circle, but that was getting boring, so I decided we would branch out. We went the opposite direction – the way we usually go on walks (a route we’ve walked many many times). HOWEVER, I didn’t realize just how much of an incline there is.
It turns out: our house sits up on a hill, so leaving our house means that there is a slight incline DOWNHILL (which is great!).
That also means that in order to get back home, once we turned around and started back, the entire ride is at a slight incline UP!
(Spoiler alert: that meant that Mama ended up carrying Leander’s bike almost the entire way home.) - We celebrated my little brother’s 21st birthday last night! As we were sitting there, eating dinner and dessert, I was looking around and thinking how all of my siblings are so grown up and such wonderful people and it’s so much fun to be all together with them. We’re all so different and unique, but we all love each other and being together is my favorite place to be.
- I photographed an engagement session at the most gorgeous farm this week – they had rows and rows and rows of different flowers – it was so beautiful! Despite a forecast of potential rain and thunderstorms, we had an absolutely gorgeous evening!
- And today, I’m off to another wedding! I’m actually headed back to Twelve Oaks Mansion (where I was last Saturday for Jonathan and Sydney’s wedding!) As a one-in-a-million day, the forecast is for a BEAUTIFUL day, no rain, 80º temps – I can hardly believe today is real!