serving the Pittsburgh, PA area



Abby’s Saturday // Four Hundred And Sixty

Abbys Saturday Happy Fathers Day in Irwin PA
  • Happy Father’s Day Weekend!
    Hope you have time to relax and celebrate the Fathers in your life this weekend!
    I’m so thankful for Derrick and the amazing Dad he is to our two kiddos. They absolutely adore him and think he’s the entire world (and he is). We’re doing our best to shower him with love and attention this weekend (we did last weekend too, since it was his birthday – June is just “Derrick month”!)
    (If you want to see past Father’s Day photos – they’re here! #408, #356#304#251#204)
  • We’ve been reading a book called: Tumtum & Nutmeg: Adventures Beyond Nutmouse Hall and my children are completely obsessed with it! We always read during lunch (it’s how we’ve read through the Chronicles of Narnia series, the Little House on the Prairie series, and countless other books) – I typically read one or two chapters while the kids are eating. But this particular book – they are completely captivated by it! If I read two chapters, they BEG for more. So we’ve been reading 4-5 (sometimes 6!) chapters a day! And they still plead for more. It’s adorable and so fun!
  • Since we brought Derrick’s parent’s couch home 3 weeks ago, we’ve have an excess of couches in our house. We were looking for someone to give our extra couch to and this week it finally happened! My cousin, Lydia, is renovating a house and will very soon be moving into it – and guess who needed an extra couch?! She came over on Monday night with her brother’s to pick it up and phew it feels so good to have it out of my house!
    Braelynn got all sentimental over the couch as it was leaving – and kept saying that we couldn’t give our couch away! “But it’s ours!” she kept saying. We reassured her it was going to a good home and she could go visit it whenever she wanted.
  • Last weekend was Derrick’s birthday – and we celebrated it in the only proper way: by riding roller coasters. We took a day-trip out to Cedar Point and had a lovely, wonderful day. We got to ride the new Wild Mouse coaster there, see all the new improvements the park has made to the Boardwalk area, and just enjoy a fabulous day riding rides.
    On Sunday (Derrick’s actual birthday), we invited family over and had a little celebration. Since Derrick is the only one in our family with a summer birthday, we planned to be outside in our backyard. Every time I looked at the weather – the forecast was good! That is, until about an hour before the party, when it all changed and it began to RAIN! So, we ended up inside (for the most part), oh well. It was still wonderful.
  • My favorite day of the month – our monthly Tuesdays Together meeting – was this week. (If you’ve never heard me talk about it before, it’s the group that I co-lead with my amazing friend Tiffany – we’re a networking/mastermind group of small creative business people!) We got together and had a “content creation” day – it was so much fun! We took headshots of each other, did little video promo clips, and a bunch of behind the scenes stuff – it was a blast. It was a little strange at first – I think we all had the right idea of what we wanted to do, but it was a little awkward getting that ball rolling – once we got it moving though, we just laughed and had so much fun! We all agreed that now that we “know” what we’re doing, we need to do it again – so I think it might become a regular thing!
  • Yesterday was my second wedding of the year! Friday weddings are always so much fun – and this one was no exception! Stay tuned for highlights on my blog this coming week!
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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

Hi! I'm Kara!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a full time engagement & wedding photographer based in Irwin, PA & I love to write!


I blog about 3 main topics:

•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


I'm so thankful you've found your way here!

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