serving the Pittsburgh, PA area



Abby’s Saturday // Four Hundred And Six

Abbys Saturday Black Lab Watching Mom Do Laundry in Irwin PA
  • Well, how’s this for a different take on the weekly Abby’s Saturday! (Mostly different because I’m in the photo!)
    I was doing laundry this week and Abby was sitting just like this – watching me.
    And I realized: Abby is so often sitting just like this – watching me.
    Most of the time, I don’t even realize it (until I turn around and step/fall over her because she’s right there). But there she is.
    So, I decided I needed to commemorate her dedication to watching me work this week.
    (Things you don’t see in this photo: my camera is on a tripod literally UNDER my desk. I was controlling my camera via the Canon app on my phone – which is sitting inside of the dryer!)
  • So, we’ve been steadily working away at our new house addition. Derrick’s parents came back down last weekend to put up the dry wall, finish the electrical stuff in our new mudroom, and help seal the basement up. Our mudroom now looks like an actual room, which is super exciting! It’s had me scouring the internet for “mudroom inspiration”, trying to figure out what would be the most efficient and best use of our space for hanging coats and storing shoes. (It’s actually way harder than it sounds – mostly because we don’t have a huge space, and the space doesn’t have any “full” walls – the door is on the first wall, there are two windows in the second wall, the 3rd wall is the entry into our living room, and the 4th wall will become the entry into our laundry/new bathroom. In other words, I can’t create cubbies or simply put up a bunch of hooks.)
  • Last weekend was Memorial Day, and normally, we’d be at the Lake House. Since Derrick’s parents were coming for part of the weekend though, we stayed home.
    We’d had an absolutely exhausting week last week, so by the time Sunday rolled around, all we wanted to do was take a nap – and we did.
    But on Monday, we wanted to go DO something! So, we decided to do something new – something we’ve never done before! We went to Sandcastle – Pittsburgh’s very own waterpark! Believe it or not, we’ve never been to Sandcastle before – even though it’s a sister park of Kennywood and Idlewild. We have Platinum passes with Kennywood this year though, so that means we can get into Sandcastle for free – so we decided to go on Monday. We knew it would be busy, being a holiday, but we decided to give it a go regardless.
    We only stayed for a few hours – it’s a tiny little waterpark, so we did everything we wanted to do and then got out of there as the crowds were still pouring in (it was getting quite crazy). We had a lot of fun though – the kids had a blast!
    (If you missed it, I vlogged about our day here!)
  • Tuesday was my favorite day of the month: our monthly Rising Tide Society meeting! We’d had to reschedule our meeting (usually held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month) until this past Tuesday due to our fearless leader being sick – but no matter! We still had a wonderful time!
  • Afterward, we had plans to go to Kennywood. It was the day after Memorial Day, so we figured the park wouldn’t be too busy, right? WRONG. My Mom and sister actually took the kids and attempted to go to the park at opening, and they couldn’t even get in. Correction: it took them 90 minutes to even get to the park (it typically takes us about 30 minutes) and by the time they got there, the parking lot was already packed, there were a whole slew of school buses there plus at least 4 charter buses.
    They simply turned around and left. We’ve never experienced a day like that at the park, so it was a bit insane.
    Oh well – we’ll try again this week!
  • How’s potty training going? Eh. I don’t know. It’s “going” I guess.
    I just keep telling myself: he WILL get it eventually, right?!
  • We’ve been done with school for 2 weeks now and this week it hit me: we need a better summer routine. We’ve kind of just been doing whatever and while that’s fun and all, we need a little more structure to our days. So, I’m going to work on that this week.
  • I’m on a quest to hit 100 subscribers on my YouTube channel! I’ve been slowly gaining a follower here and a follower there, but it’s time I actually tried to garner some followers! SO – if you haven’t followed me yet, what are you waiting for? Go check out my channel and hit that “subscribe” button for me! (Mostly, I need to hit 100 subscribers so I can change the name of my channel. It’s a super generic computer generated name and URL right now, and as soon as I hit 100 subscribers, YouTube sees me as legit and gives me the opportunity to personalize my channel a bit more.)
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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

Hi! I'm Kara!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a full time engagement & wedding photographer based in Irwin, PA & I love to write!


I blog about 3 main topics:

•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


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