- Sickness is back in the Abbey house. I feel like poor Leander just cannot get away from this cold – it seems to ebb and flow. But, he generously shared with his sister this week – so they’re both down for the count with stuffy noses again. Is it summer yet?
(Ugh, and I have the slightest feeling like I might be getting sick too – guess it’s time to take all the vitamins.) - The weather has been a roller coaster this week so Braelynn declared it “blanket fort” week. Braelynn and Leander have become master fort builders this winter, and this week’s forts have been no exception.
- Braelynn was taking a spelling test this week, and she was supposed to write the word: “fruit”, but instead she wrote the word “fart”. While I was checking her test, I asked her to read that particular word, so she read it and instantly started laughing hysterically. Needless to say, it’s been the running joke now all week!
- I officially finished the design of our family yearbook for 2023! I finally finished the last pages last night – so today my to-do list consists of: double-checking each page (I make sure there are no duplicate photos, check the margins, make sure everything lines up right), then I have to process each month into a .pdf, then I combine each month’s .pdf into one massive .pdf, which I then have to compress, and then I can FINALLY upload it and get it ordered! Fingers crossed I’ll have my album ordered by tonight and then I can finally cross that giant to-do off of my list! It’s taken me a bit longer than usual to get our yearbook together for the year – but I’m SO happy that it’s just about done! (It was a tight year to squeeze everything in to – I pulled more photos to include than ever and I just about max the size of the book out!)
- Once that’s done – it’s back to creating family vlogs from last year. I really want to be completely caught up before our first trip of 2024 – which is next month (and I still have 7 vlogs to go!)
Needless to say: I’ve implemented new systems for 2024 so that I don’t fall so far behind again – because this is just craziness. - Outside of everything else that I do, I’ve been working on another project (I know, I know). If you’d like a sneak peek into what that is, you can check it out here. It’s still a work in progress, but I’m getting very very close to officially releasing it to the world! Tomorrow is a big, exciting day (I’m so pumped over what we’re doing tomorrow!) and then Monday I can put the finishing touches on my website and officially move forward!
- I finished up my February Favorites series this week! If you missed any of it, you can see my favorite wedding images, my favorite engagement images, my favorite portraits, my favorite roller coaster images, and my favorite PERSONAL images – for a complete overview of 2023! WHEW! What a massive project that always is – but I’m always so proud of it!