- Believe it or not, we actually got some snow and it’s stuck around for longer than 24 hours!
In fact, yesterday we got an additional 3″ of snow on top of the 1-2″ we already had – so it’s a beautiful, winter-wonderland outside right now!
And – you know we had to take advantage of it!
Braelynn got a sled for her birthday two years ago – but we’ve never been able to use it for actual SLEDDING. (She and Leander have pulled it around the yard, but that’s it.)
Well, today was the day! We packed up her sled (and borrowed two more from my parents) and went sledding this morning! It was freezing. The temperature was around 16º, with the “real feel” hovering around 0º (what?!) but we had a blast. I was worried that there would be a ton of people at the park, but there was only one other family there, and they left about 10 minutes after we arrived – so we had the entire hill to ourselves!
We only stayed for about 40 minutes (that was pretty much all we could handle), but boy was that fun. That was the first time Leander has ever been sledding and he was pretty nervous at first, but after that first run down the hill – he was all in. (He did collapse 3/4 of the way up the hill after our very last run and he declared that he just could not move any further.) I also collapsed part way up the hill – but that’s because I don’t have “proper” snow boots – and the boots I was wearing have absolute ZERO tread. In other words, it was like trying to climb the hill in ice skates. Derrick had to help me, I was crying I was laughing so hard (and my tears were promptly freezing). The kids declared it to be the “best day ever”. - We are entering BIRTHDAY WEEK for Braelynn! It’s so hard to believe that our precious girl is turning 9 years old this week! (She has BIG plans for all sorts of fun!) We have a special birthday dinner planned, her party will be on Friday, we’re going to decorate this week – it’s going to be grand.
- I created a “chore chart” and “reward schedule” at the beginning of the year – and we’re still going strong with it! (If you can’t hear the disbelief in my words, it’s there!) We’ve tried a lot of different chore charts and schedules over the last few years, but this one is actually working! The kids have been so much more responsible over the last few weeks and I love it! Their chores are actually becoming HABITS now and that is pure magic.
- The Adventuring Abbeys has broken into the Instagram and Facebook scene! It’s been something I’ve been contemplating for a while now, and on Tuesday last week, I decided to make it happen. I’m already creating content for my YouTube channel, I figured why not cross-post it on Instagram and Facebook too? My goal is to not only grow and bring in more YouTube subs, but also use those accounts as a way to earn some affiliate income, bring more awareness to Derrick’s channel, and also promote our new line of t-shirts (we got our new samples this week – they are SO much better than the last round of samples!)
I really debated whether it would be a good move or not – after all, do I really need more social media channels to manage? But, my thought has been: I’ve already created the content for YouTube – so it’s truly not that much more work (it’s a smidge more, but not much).
I haven’t really promoted these new accounts to my own “personal” followers yet (I kind of wanted to see if they would grow organically on their own), but if you’d like to follow along, that’d be amazing!