- This week seemed the perfect time to take our annual swingset photo though (which, go figure, I always seem to take this time of year – why not in the summer? I have no idea). So, if you’d like to go back & see past versions of this same photo, you can do that here: #443, #391, #336, #281.
I love how you can see our swingset progress over the years: from baby swings to regular swings, to rings, and now we have the rope swing Braelynn got for her birthday up! She’s been LOVING these past few warm days and being able to get out and play on it! - It has literally felt like spring this week – so much so that Braelynn declared at dinner last night that it was “time to get out the spring decorations!” Temps have been up in the 60’s, the sun has peeked out at times, the birds have been singing, (the stink bugs are back – ick), it’s really got us all in the mood for SPRING.
Just, don’t look at the weather forecast, because I hear rumors of SNOW in the very near future. - Sadly, we didn’t get to enjoy all of the warm days this week to their fullest potential because Braelynn got hit with some random nasty bug on Wednesday. She woke up and told me that she thought she was getting a sore throat. We made it through school and she seemed okay, until lunch hit and she went down hard.
Braelynn is actually pretty easy to gauge just how sick she is – if she’s laying on the couch, but still wanting to draw, crochet, or sew – she’s feeling icky, but not TOO bad.
However, if she’s laying on the couch and does not want to draw, crochet, or sew – well, that’s when I know she’s really feeling bad. And sadly, that’s where she was for the rest of the day Wednesday and the beginning of Thursday.
Thankfully, it was just a 24-hour thing and around lunchtime on Thursday, she was coming back around to her normal self. (Knock-on-wood, but so far no one else has gotten sick!) - Derrick was out of town for a few days this week (of course, right when Braelynn was sick – she just wanted her Daddy so bad, it was sad). He hasn’t had to travel in a few months though, so he was due a round of visits to his branches. Thankfully, he was able to get all of his stops in over three days and then he was back home to us!
- After the enormous trouble I got myself into last week – I finally finished downloading all of the files I deleted. It’s funny: I was able to delete 5TB worth of files in less than 2 seconds, but it took me about 6 days to download the same files back. Ugh, talk about frustrating – but they’re all back! They’re all safely back on their hard drive, and safely re-backed up.
And with all that done, that meant that I could finally update my OS and then update my Final Cut Pro (which was what I had intended to do originally and what got me started down the path of formatting an entire hard drive last week). WHAT A PROCESS. But it’s all done and we are moving on! - With my Final Cut Pro being update – that means that I was finally able to start a series of reels I’ve been wanting to make forever! I posted my first one last night – let me know what you think!
- I got a big white board this week that I hung on the wall next to my computer. I keep a running to-do list on my computer and phone at all times, but it has a million “little” tasks on it. I wanted somewhere I could write BIG goals – MONTHLY goals – and have them VISIBLE (not just to me, but to Derrick too)! I also wanted a space I could record some metrics – it’s fantastic and I feel so organized!