- If you feel like this photo looks familiar – I’ve taken a similar photo before!
Last year’s version: #446
2022’s version: #394,
2021’s version #342,
2020’s version: #290
and 2018’s version: #192. - Sickness returned with a vengeance to the Abbey house this week – and this week, it’s sights were set on Braelynn. She was down for about 36 hours with a weird stomach bug/flu. Thankfully, no one else has fallen prey to that particular sickness (although Leander is still getting over his nasty cold that he’s had for the last 2 weeks).
Speaking of Leander, he was such a little lost puppy dog for the day and a half that Braelynn was down and out. He just wandered around the house completely forlorn – not sure what to do with himself. He helped me with random tasks (like cooking dinner – afterward he declared himself a “master” of cooking mac’n’cheese and even offered to cook it again the next day!) we played with his trains and built some crazy tracks – it was just a weird 36 hours.
Needless to say: he was so excited to have Braelynn feeling better and his playmate back! - Thankfully, Braelynn didn’t get sick until after the two gloriously warm days that we had at the beginning of the week! Temps hit the mid-70’s on both Monday and Tuesday and it was utterly amazing. We spent all day, both days, outside – including a long visit to the park (paired with a picnic lunch). The kids did tons of biking and drawing with chalk – we got out our hammock, table, and chairs – it was so so so wonderful.
- While I was putting Leander to bed last night and he was searching for a book for us to read together, he said: “Mom, I want to read an ‘Adventuring Abbeys’ book.”
Oh no, another idea I would love to figure out and execute – I have too many ideas and not enough time. - Last Sunday, I had the immense privilege of attending a wedding details workshop taught by my amazing friend Tiffany – and guess what? I didn’t bring my camera. I just brought my phone! Part of my “job” was to film some behind-the-scenes photos and videos for Tiffany and the attendees, but I also shot some wedding day content creation footage for myself too! It was such a fun afternoon, but DANG did I come home exhausted! It was like shooting a full-blown wedding day!
- Thursday is our laundry day (I hate laundry, so I do ALL of our laundry one day a week: wash, dry, and put away) and as I finished up the first load and tossed everything into our dryer – I realized that it didn’t sound right.
Our dryer came with our house when we bought it almost 9 years ago. It was clearly an older dryer then and we just figured: we’d use it until it died.
Well, it’s lasted us almost 9 years. Recently though, we’ve noticed that it’s started to act a little strange – and on Thursday, it officially gave up it’s ghost and died. Goodbye.
Obviously, that threw a large kink into my laundry process. Derrick quickly got to work ordering us a replacement (it comes next week), but in the meantime, I had to hang all of the laundry I’d just done. You better believe I was wishing that it was still mid-70’s and sunny outside (by this point in the week, we had returned to more “normal” March weather and temps were in the 40’s and it was raining.) I created some make-shift spaces to hang clothes around the house – but I only have enough space to hang about one load of laundry at a time.
Needless to say: laundry has been an ongoing process the rest of this week. (Sure, I could have taken things over to my parents house, but with Braelynn being sick, we haven’t wanted to go and potentially infect anyone else – so we’ve just made it work.)
I am just excited to finally have a dryer with a LIGHT in it! The light inside our dryer has never worked and it’s always so dark in there – I can’t wait to have some light!! - On top of that – the hose on my favorite Shark Vacuum split, so unless you pinch it together, it loses suction and won’t suck anything up. Cool right?
They say things break in three’s, right? Needless to say: I’m bracing for the 3rd thing. - Can you believe how close I am to FIVE HUNDRED Abby’s Saturdays?!