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Abby’s Saturday // Four Hundred And Nine

Abbys Saturday Black Lab in the Backyard in Irwin PA
  • SOOooooOOO, I said last Saturday that Braelynn had gotten sick, but so far the rest of us had steered clear.
    I spoke too soon.
    Derrick dropped early Saturday morning.
    And then Leander by later Saturday morning.
    I had to re-schedule my engagement session I had planned for that day – that’s only the second time in my entire 13-years of photography I’ve had to move a shoot due to sickness (and the first time I had to do it because I was sick – this time, I was healthy!) It was just an engagement session though, so those are flexible and a bit easier to move around.
    While Braelynn snapped back after about 36-hours and was back to her normal energetic, talkative, creative, hungry-self, it took the boys a little longer. But by Monday they were definitely on the mend.
    Of course, I went all weekend literally holding my breath – just waiting to get sick myself. After all, when a virus rolls through so viciously and hits everyone except one person, that last person standing is bound to fall at some point.
    I woke up with a migraine on Tuesday morning. I took migraine meds and slept most of the day, and by Tuesday evening I was feeling pretty much back to normal.
    And – we have moved on from there! That wasn’t how we planned to spend our week, but I’m SO thankful it’s behind us and we can now move forward!
  • So, because the boys were sick over Father’s Day, we didn’t do any of the fun things we had planned to celebrate Derrick. (Boo.) Braelynn still gave him his gifts on Sunday, but we saved our special food until later this week (steak – of course!) And I had everything to make rice crispy treats, which I decided to hold off on until this weekend. Being sick for Father’s Day was obviously not in Derrick’s plans, but in return, we’ve stretched our “Father’s Day celebrations” out over a few days, and that’s been really nice.
  • AND – my engagement session that I had to re-schedule did still happen this week! It was EPIC – literally one of my favorite sessions ever (and I definitely have the images to prove it!) We had so much fun and everything was so beautiful! I can’t wait to share (but I’m still editing the images, so you’ll have to wait).
  • Once upon a time, I bought an inflatable pool and blew the entire thing up with my own lungs. It was torture (but I was doing it for a 2-year-old Braelynn, so I did it). I told myself I would never buy an inflatable pool again. BUT, after our big plastic pool cracked at the end of last summer – I had a decision to make: buy another plastic pool (that was truly getting too small for Braelynn & Leander anyway – and that was the bigger size plastic pool) or buy an inflatable one. WELL – this time, I have an electric pump, so I decided to go for it. I bought a 10′ long inflatable pool from WalMart this week and thanks to my electric pump – we blew it up in seconds (it was delightful). The kids have spent entire days in that pool at this point. It’s been one of the best $25 investments I have ever made!
  • Which leads me to: Leander has either fallen asleep on the couch mid-afternoon, or fallen asleep by 6pm almost every night this week (I guess that’s what happens when you spend hours in the sunshine and pool every day).
  • I gave Braelynn a challenge this week: I wanted her to read 5 books. I went through our house and pulled out all of the easy-reader books we have and I put them on a shelf in our living room. I told her she could pick any books she wanted from that stack, but if she read 5, I would give her a special surprise. I told her she could take her time and read one book a day, or read all 5 in one day – whatever she wanted. She’s not a super-strong reader yet, but she was making really good progress at the end of the school year, so I wanted to keep that momentum going!
    Well, she read 3 1/2 books on the first day. I was blown away. She was so determined that she wanted to read all 5, but at the same time, she really wanted to swim in the pool and play outside – so if it had been a rainy day, she definitely would have conquered all 5. But she made it through 3 1/2 and I am just SO proud of her!!
  • In XscreamThrills news: Derrick’s Instagram account hit 50k followers this week!! Talk about a HUGE milestone!! 50,000 people!! Way to go, Derrick!
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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

Hi! I'm Kara!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a full time engagement & wedding photographer based in Irwin, PA & I love to write!


I blog about 3 main topics:

•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


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