- Welcome to my brand new office “nook”! I have graduated from working in our laundry room – to this custom-built corner of our dining room. My “office” has been here for two full weeks now and I STILL can’t get used to it. I find myself walking toward the laundry room any time I need something from my office – and (hilariously) the kids do too!
It’s wonderful though. I really, truly love it. I love being in the center of our home, instead of tucked back into a weird corner. I love how clean and neat it is. I love how lovely it looks. I’m simply obsessed! I have NEVER had a “pretty” office space (ever), so this is super exciting! - Another week – another single, super random, gloriously warm, spring-like day, followed by the depths of despair (meaning: a day with temps hovering just around freezing).
Why must February tease us like this?
I mean, if winter isn’t going to dump at least 2 feet of snow on us, can we just fast-forward to spring and move on?
My children are SO confused. After a day in the high 60’s last week and then a day where we hit 70º this week – they are convinced that it’s spring. They have asked me when we can start planting flower seeds, when we can get the sprinkler out, when we can get the pool out, and simply don’t understand why I’m making them put on a coat today, when two days ago, they were running around in shorts.
Madness. - Other than that random 70º day, know what the highlight of our week was?
We got our taxes done!
That might not seem “highlight” worthy, but as adults with multiple small businesses between the two of us, we hold our breath when it comes to tax time (at least I do). Don’t get me wrong: we prep and prepare and line up all of our dominos and know that no matter what happens when it comes to filing – we are ready. On top of Derrick’s XscreamThrills and my Kara Abbey Photography – we also had several other ventures to report this year (which is always fun – our sweet tax-lady just laughs when we walk in the door with our multiple folders of paper and says, “What did you guys get into this year?”)
It’s just always a huge relief to know that they’re done, they’re filed, we didn’t owe as much as we were guessing we might (always a HUGE win), and we can sleep soundly for another year.
(Pfft, who am I kidding? We have children! Derrick sleeps soundly – I do not.) - Speaking of Derrick – he FINALLY got his brand new computer this week! He ordered a super-suped up, custom-build computer over Thanksgiving weekend last year. The original estimate the company building his computer gave him was that he would have it around Christmas. Then, they contacted him & said, “Sorry, we took in more orders over Black Friday than we were anticipating, your computer won’t be ready until January.”
At the end of January, his computer finally arrived. And with much anticipation, he took it up to his office and plugged it in.
And it didn’t work. He couldn’t even get it to turn on.
Talk about a HUGE disappointment!
He had to send the computer back and the company had to fix it.
And this week – he finally got it back – again! And it works this time! YAY! He’s been working hard to get all of his programs, applications, and files transferred over and I think, this weekend, he’s finally ready to start actually working on it! - Braelynn and Leander have started doing a “cheer” – I’m not really sure what else to call it. Like, you know: sports teams, after a time-out is called and they all huddle up, they’ll all put their hands together in the middle and say something (their team name, a chant, whatever), and then they all punch their hands to the sky? Braelynn and Leander have started to do that – they put their hands together and then say, “One, two, three – Abbeys!” and then they break. It’s HILARIOUS and I honestly have no idea where it came from (it has to be from a TV show or something).
- I got this book at Christmas and have been slowly but steadily working my way through it. It’s a thick book (594 pages) and a good story, but there are a lot of characters to keep track of, so I was intrigued, but it was a slow-read. Until I hit about the mid-way point this week, and then all of a sudden, I could not put the book down. I think I read about 250 pages in just over 24 hours – it went from a slow and steady pace, to an absolutely riveting speed. I got to the end and simply have not known what to do with myself. Do I read another book? Is that even possible? What in the world just happened?
- I OFFICIALLY finished designing our 2022 Family Yearbook this week! I finished last weekend and as soon as I did, I got an email from the company I order my Yearbooks from that they were having their quarterly sale. Talk about AMAZING timing! So, I got all of the files all prepped and re-sized and uploaded and it is officially ordered!
Further: I got the email yesterday that it’s been SHIPPED! I am absolutely beside myself with excitement – I cannot wait to receive it!! - This week’s other “big” task (which isn’t nearly as exciting at all) was: I bought a new 14TB (yes, you read that right: FOURTEEN TERRABITE) hard drive. I have so many little hard drives sitting around my desk and some of the older ones are quite old. So, I decided it was time to refresh those – I put all of the files from FOUR hard drives onto that 14TB hard drive (it’s everything I have from 2009-2016!) and now I’m (patiently) waiting for all of that data to back up to the cloud. I still have those original four hard drives (I’ll never get rid of them), but they’ll move into a safe storage space. They’re all backed up to the cloud, and now I’ll have this duplicate copy that I will leave on my desk for easy access.
I know, that’s super boring stuff, but I never delete ANYTHING, so these are the FUN things I do in the “off-season”!