serving the Pittsburgh, PA area



Abby’s Saturday // Four Hundred And Five

Abbys Saturday Black Lab with Flower on Head in Irwin PA
  • Happy Memorial Day weekend!
  • Last weekend was our first visit to Deep Creek Lake (which we affectionately call “The Lakehouse”). It was the most beautiful, perfect weekend – temps were up in the 80’s, it was sunny with no chance of rain – absolutely perfect. The kids went swimming even though the water was frigid. They didn’t care though!
    Actually, it’s a funny story, but Leander went swimming before lunch very UNintentionally!
    The four of us were sitting down at the Lake with my Dad and the kids were fishing with him. Correction: Braelynn was fishing and Leander was “pretending” to fish with a long stick he had found. They were both strolling around the dock, they’d walk up onto shore, then back up onto the dock – but they both had life-jackets on, so it was 100% fine.
    Short rabbit trail for a moment: talk about a totally different experience at the Lake this year! Braelynn is 7 and Leander is 3, so while we still have to keep an eye on them, we’re past the “wandering baby” stage. They’re both stable enough to walk on the dock without fear of accidentally tumbling in. They both know to stay away from the road. They both can run around the yard and play independently – it’s so different and wonderful.
    Anyways, back to the story. We were down at the Lake for quite some time, everyone was having a blast. Then, Braelynn asked me to take her up to the house so she could use the bathroom. No problem. So we left Derrick and my Dad and Leander at the water, and Braelynn and I walked up. We were in the house, talking to my Mom and cousins, when I glanced down at the water and could see the three men walking up.
    They must have decided it was time to come up as well, I thought.
    As they got closer, I could see though that something was amiss: Derrick and Leander were WET.
    And sure enough, as they walked up onto the porch, they were both dripping wet. We all asked what had happened and Derrick explained that Leander had been walking along the dock, dragging his stick in the water, when he simply stepped off the end and went PLOP into the Lake. He said he didn’t even flinch. He was strolling along and simply kept strolling, right into the water. Since he had his life-jacket on, he obviously popped right back up to the surface, but it was quite the shock (the water is freezing, after all!) Derrick instantly jumped in and pulled him out – but it was quite hilarious to hear about!
    The best part was: Leander held onto his “fishing pole” through the whole thing and did not drop it once.
  • One of the reasons we specifically went to the Lakehouse last weekend though was so that we could be in church on Sunday morning for Graduation Sunday. Our church at the Lake always makes a big deal out of their high school seniors who graduate and my baby sister Ruby was among the group this year! She is the last of my siblings to graduate, so I could not miss this service! Tears were shed by all – it was beautiful. She’ll actually have two graduation parties in the coming weeks!
  • Monday was “dentist day” – Braelynn loves to go the dentist! They do such an incredible job of making it fun and interactive (and rewarding) for her. No cavities all around! Leander will go to the dentist for the first time in a few weeks with Derrick (let’s just say, we’re all crossing our fingers it doesn’t turn into another “haircut” situation – he HATES having his haircut!)
  • Oh, how’s potty training going?
    We don’t talk about Bruno.
  • On Thursday, Derrick and I had the amazing opportunity to go to Hersheypark’s Media Event for the opening of their brand new “Jolly Rancher” section of the park! Their old boomerang roller coaster got an updated paint job plus a tunnel a super cool lighting package. Additionally, there is a brand new spinning flatride that sits in front of the boomerang. We had a GREAT day. The Media Event was small – only about 1/3 the size of the last Media Event we attended at Hersheypark, but that was for a brand new roller coaster, and this was just a “re-theming”. A handful of our good coaster enthusiast and YouTuber friends were there – so we got to spend the day with them (plus meet a bunch of new enthusiasts along the way!) The park was jam packed, but we still managed to make it on most of the roller coasters. The best part was simply spending the day with other vloggers and coaster people – we had such a great time! (Yes, I’ll have a video about our day there soon!)
  • Speaking of which: I finally started working on our Florida vacation videos!! It’s just been non-stop go-go-go since we got back and I’m finally caught up with my “real” job enough to work on them!
  • We had homeschool evaluations this week! It’s the last step in the process of a homeschooling year, so we are OFFICIALLY done with school and Braelynn can move on to 2nd grade!!
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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

Hi! I'm Kara!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a full time engagement & wedding photographer based in Irwin, PA & I love to write!


I blog about 3 main topics:

•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


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