- Does this look like a turban on top of Abby’s head?
I was going for the “just out of the shower with a towel on top of her head” look, but now I’m realizing it looks like something else! HAHA - Derrick and I’s wedding anniversary was on Monday – we’ve now been married 13 years (wow that feels like a long time!) We didn’t have anything super special planned – but after a busy day of helping clean out my Grandma’s old apartment, I didn’t feel like cooking – so we simply went out to dinner. Of course, we had two little munchkins tag along, but thankfully, we like them and they’re pretty cute, so we let them crash our date.
- My Grandma is now officially moved into her new apartment! It’s been quite the whirlwind of the last week with everything falling into place, but she’s now in a much smaller, much more manageable apartment. My Mom (is a super-hero) and has done SO MUCH WORK to make everything happen this week (I should take her on vacation – hmmmmm..)
- On Wednesday, we visited the library to say our goodbyes to Miss Barb – our favorite children’s librarian! Braelynn and I used to go to story-time every single week and even after Leander was born, we still went on a pretty regular basis. Once the kids got a little older, we stopped going as regularly, but since Miss Barb is retiring from our library (she’ll still be working part-time at another library) we wanted to go one last time. It was more emotional than I realized it would be! (Maybe that’s just because becoming a Mom has made me a super-softie.)
- If you have Lightroom Classic and haven’t upgraded recently and tried the brand new “Denoise” feature they added – DO IT NOW! It is insanely amazing. I am simply dumbfounded at how good it is!
- On Wednesday night, as Braelynn and I were driving home from church, I noticed that our car was making some abnormal sounds. Normally, I wouldn’t have worried so much about it, but since we have quite a few travel plans coming up, I felt like we should have it checked out.
So, Derrick called and got it into our garage on Thursday morning – and it turns out: I was correct! One of the shock-supports in the front had broken and (thankfully) they were able to fix it that same day! (Have I ever mentioned how much we LOVE our garage? If you are local to the Irwin area, Schade’s Auto Repair is the only garage I’ll take my vehicles to!) - If you have a child’s potty in your bathroom, but you know your child hasn’t used it, so you just ASSUME it’s empty, do yourself a favor and double-check. Because chances on, there is something in it and you’ll probably throw up having to clean it out. Can’t tell you how I know, but just relaying those words of wisdom. (And then, maybe make that little potty disappear, since your little person doesn’t use it anymore anyways.)