- Look at my little plants!!
I started acclimating my little seedlings to the outdoors earlier this week (and then it dipped down into the upper 30’s on Wednesday night, so I had to bring everything in), but I got all of my tomatoes planted outside! I’m SO excited – I’ve never had such success with growing anything from seeds before – so I’m crossing all of my fingers and toes that they don’t just keel over after living so peacefully and happily in my laundry room window for the last few weeks!
We also planted zinnia seeds in our back flower bed – this is the first year I didn’t plant seeds that I had harvested from the previous season. And the reason for that is: my children found my stash of saved seeds and “planted” them (unknown to me) back in March. (Newsflash, nothing happened with them.) So, I had to go out and buy zinnia seeds!
I feel like a regular little gardener with my flower gardens planted and my tomato plants! - Derrick was out of town from Sunday thru Wednesday for work – that’s the longest stretch he’s ever been gone since taking his new District Supervisor position. So, we spent Mother’s Day evening at my parent’s house, had a picnic at the park on Monday (and then had the cousins over to play that afternoon), we had dinner at my parent’s on Tuesday, then we visited an alpaca farm on Wednesday morning with a group of homeschoolers, and then church Wednesday night. I wanted to fill our days so that the kids wouldn’t be moping around missing their Daddy too much – but whew, by the time Wednesday night rolled around, I was pooped!
- We had homeschool evaluations yesterday! Braelynn has officially completed 2nd grade! I’m so proud of her and all that she accomplished this year. It’s so funny to me – on hard days and in the thick of homeschooling, sometimes it just doesn’t feel like we’re progressing or she’s learning anything. But then I sat down this week to put her portfolio together – grabbing samples of things she learned at the beginning, middle, and end of the year and I can definitely see progress! Sure, we had hard days (doesn’t everyone?) but we had some really wonderful days too – and when I look at her portfolio, I see all the hard-work we both put into the year – and I’m so proud of us.
- There isn’t enough time in the day. I always feel like that, but I feel like it’s getting worse. Time flies by so fast anymore! (That’s a sign that I’m getting old, isn’t it?)
- We get ants every spring – they find their way into our house, we put down cinnamon and diatomaceous earth and that’s that! But this year, they have been relentless. No matter what we do, we cannot seem to get rid of them! Specifically, they’ve figured out where our garbage can is and our dishwasher and we’ll open both to find slews of ants just scurrying around. I was so fed up with it this week that I went out and bought ant traps from WalMart. So far, they’ve been sort of working – we definitely see a decrease in the amount of ants, but the ants are still around. The traps say they can take a few days to completely kill them all off, so I’m patiently waiting.
- I’m not sure what is going on, but Leander is experiencing a potty-training-regression. UGH! I feel like it took us so long and we had to work so hard to get him to the point where we were – and all of a sudden, he’s just tossed it all to the wind and been having multiple accidents a day again. They’re not “big” accidents (thankfully), but just enough to have wet undies and wet shorts. He did so good when we were in Williamsburg a few weeks ago, but now that we’re home, I feel like he just doesn’t care.
- My first wedding of the season was last Saturday. It was wonderful, but it rained (at certain portions of the day it downright poured). Rain on a wedding day is obviously never anyone’s first choice, but if you’re going to have rain – we sure hit the jackpot with it on Saturday! It rained while everyone was getting ready, and then we had just enough of a window of time to get in the First Look and bridal party portraits. Then it poured down rain during the ceremony and cocktail hour (but since April and Bobby did a First Look, it didn’t matter!) and by the end of dinner, the clouds rolled away and the sun actually came out! It was glorious! And that meant everyone could dance outside on the outdoor dance floor at Oak Lodge. Rain is never fun, but when it rains during all the “right” moments – it’s just fine. (See the highlights of April and Bobby’s day HERE!)
- We’ve had so many things going on recently – I feel like our “big vacation” is sneaking up on us! We leave in FIVE days! EEK!