Take a stroll down memory lane & see the past Abby’s Saturday Christmas photos!
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015
- WELL – in typical holiday fashion – sickness has arrived in the Abbey house. It started last week – Leander came down with an awful cold. As he was starting to get better, Braelynn got it, and as she’s been starting to get better, Derrick got it. I think Derrick’s been hit the worse, but thankfully, he finally seems to be on the mend as well. FINGERS CROSSED, I haven’t gotten it yet (I can definitely feel that I’ve been fighting it all week, but I’ve been taking heaps of vitamins and so far, so good!) Typically, I feel like we get sick after Christmas – so I’m feeling optimistic about having been sick before Christmas this year.
- Speaking of Christmas – I’m not sure if I’m the only one, but I’m SO CONFUSED about what day it is! Derrick worked from home toward the end of this week which helps to further confuse my brain.
I think the trick is: we always go to Meme and Grandpa’s house for breakfast on Christmas Eve. But this year, because Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday, we are all going over to their house for breakfast today. In other words: today feels like Christmas Eve – but it isn’t.
In reality, it’s rather nice, because instead of “doing” Christmas over two days – this year we get to spread it out over three days (which is fantastic – I vote we spread Christmas over four days next year).
But that just means I have no idea what day it is. - We actually got some snow this week – it’s gone already – but we got just enough for the kids to go bonkers with excitement. Braelynn, the snowman-maker-extraordinaire built THREE snowmen out of the ONE INCH of snow we got. (I honestly have no idea how she did it.)
- We kicked off our week with a baking frenzy – we baked no-bake cookies, chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, sugar cookies, seasoned pretzels, and muddy buddies. We delivered plates heaping with cookies to our neighbors (as is our tradition) on Wednesday night, and then grabbed cookies for ourselves and took a long ride around our town looking at Christmas lights. It was such a fun evening!
- Braelynn has been in gift-making over-drive this week. She’s been painting, coloring, crocheting, and creating up a storm. She has such a giving heart – she never wants anyone to feel left out – so she’s got gifts for everyone.
- OMIGOODNESS – want to hear the craziest story of them all?!
Remember last week, when I vented about the post office losing a package containing a special Christmas gift? (If you missed it, go back and read the entire store here before continuing!)
No joke, as I was in the middle of working with the company to get the gift re-created and re-placed, I got a random notification that my package was OUT FOR DELIVERY.
It had sat “pending” for 11 days. We had been told by the post office that it was GONE. And suddenly it was “out for delivery”.
I couldn’t believe it. I literally screamed when I saw that notification. And then I said: “I’ll believe it when I see it!”
And sure enough: a few hours later – it was sitting on my doorstep.
I still can’t believe it. Talk about a Christmas miracle!! - Anyways: the kids are just BURSTING with excitement over Christmas being this close! Leander prayed at dinner on Thursday night, asking God to make it Christmas today. We have a busy weekend ahead of us in all the best ways, filled with the best people, and the best food. We are SO excited! Merry Christmas!