- It’s Leander’s BIRTHDAY weekend – and that meant that it was time for his annual birthday portraits in front of the blue wall in his bedroom (and then me spending about 90 minutes in Lightroom and Photoshop editing all of the marks, scratches, dings, and noticeable bumps out of said blue wall – ugh it’s SO bad). But no matter – I am absolutely obsessed with the process of capturing my sweet, silly boy for his 5th birthday and it is all worth every moment. (If you want a full update on our little man and to see those photos I took, you’ll want to scroll back to yesterday’s blog post!)
- It’s been a busy week. The month of November closed out with a bang, that’s for sure!
Top of the list of things that took up my time this week was the third Just Between Friends gigantic kids’ consignment sale in Monroeville of the year. They don’t usually have a “winter” sale, but they did last year and spur-of-the-moment hosted one this year as well. I was super thankful for it because, as it turns out, Braelynn somehow grew out of (or wore holes in) every single pair of leggings she owned. Plus, Leander needed shoes, both of the kids needed Christmas dress-clothes, so needless to say, I took stuff to the sale to sell and then shopped my little heart out on Wednesday night. And thankfully, I was able to fine precisely what I was looking for. It’s always so much fun to shop these consignment sales because you just never know what you’re going to find – and it’s like treasure hunting!
The sale is still going on – it concludes this afternoon and then tonight I have to drive back out and pick up whatever items I have left that didn’t sell. It’s a whole production and on sale-weeks, I drive out and back to Monroeville multiple times. (I get all caught up on my podcast listening.) - We watched Home Alone with our kids for the first time last Christmas season and then they saw it just recently while we were on our travels out west. They asked to watch the second movie this week, so we kicked off our Christmas movie watching with Home Alone 2. What is it about the end, the actually exciting part of the movie, where the bandits are attempting their break-ins and getting defied by Kevin, that is so hilarious to my children? Leander laughed SO HARD the entire time – it was hilarious just watching him!
- Ruby came over on Monday to help blow up balloons and decorate for Leander’s birthday party. It isn’t until this coming Monday, but as soon as his party is over, we take all of the decorations down and put up Christmas stuff – so I like to decorate at least a week prior so we can enjoy everything!
- The big news of late last week and last weekend was that my sister and her family moved! (No worries, they’re still just a few minutes away – just the opposite direction now!) The whole story is their’s to tell, but needless to say, it’s an incredible story. We helped them move earlier in the week and then Derrick went over last Saturday to help them move their furniture. It just reminded me of how much work moving is and how much I really don’t want to move, ever. (Just kidding – I would move if the right situation presented itself, but I really like my house.)