When we plan week-long trips to visit multiple amusement parks, there always seems to be one park that we look forward to THE MOST.
And while you might THINK that during a week-long stay in Orlando with a day at Magic Kingdom in the cards – that Disney would be our “most excited for” day, but I’ll let you in on a secret: in 2024, IT WASN’T! *gasp*
We’ve been to Sea World so many times over the last few years and we really truly love this park. BUT, it has one flaw: if you aren’t 54″ tall, there are VERY few roller coasters you can ride (I know, they just opened Penguin Trek which has a lower height requirement, so they’re moving in the right direction!)
Well, Braelynn FINALLY hit 54″ tall, which means she can now ride ALL of the roller coasters at Sea World Orlando.
INCLUDING her number one bucket list coaster: Manta.
She has been DREAMING of riding “the flying coaster” for YEARS and in 2024, she was FINALLY tall enough to ride it.
THANKFULLY, Sea World Orlando allows you to bring a secured GoPro onto their rides – which means Derrick was able to get a FULL POV video of Braelynn’s reaction to riding this amazing roller coaster. (Spoiler alert, I cried – my Mama-heart just could not take it.)
Not to be out-done, Leander decided that HE wanted to ride Infinity Falls – Sea World’s white water rafting ride. He is NOT a fan of “big” rides quite yet, so watching him be excited and WANTING to ride – it was all just so much fun.
Needless to say: it was an amazing day (even though it was cut short by storms rolling in, but oh well.)
And because – what’s a blog post without photos – here are just a few (these are a mix of iPhone snaps & photos taken with my “big” camera).