The 2024 Roller Coaster Riding Season has officially ARRIVED!
(And everyone cheers!)
This past weekend, our homepark: Kennywood Park in Pittsburgh, PA opened for the 2024 season! (Their 126th year of operation – isn’t that amazing?!)
And, you know we couldn’t miss opening day!
It was fabulous in absolutely every way (except for the wind, without the wind it would have been PERFECT). In 2023 and 2022, opening weekend was cold and rainy, so to have a mild, sunny day felt like an absolute dream! (Let’s just say: the city of Pittsburgh is not known for it’s “consistent” spring weather.)
We were SHOCKED by the HUGE turnout for the day! We arrived 45 minutes early – and thank goodness we did! Because by the time we were riding Phantom (about 10 minutes after park open) the line of cars stretching down the road, waiting to turn into the parking lot, was easily a mile long!! BANANAS!
It just goes to prove that all the hard work that park management has been putting into revitalizing the park over the last few years has really paid off. Kennywood has an EXTREMELY LOYAL base of season passholders who were SO excited to get back into the park for the 2024 season (and we were part of that crowd!)
We only spent a few hours in the park, but we rode SO many rides and had the most fantastic time! We absolutely cannot wait for more Kennywood days this season – happy summer!!
Of course, what is a post without photos? Here are a few of the highlights of our day from my iPhone 14 Pro (I didn’t take my “big” camera with me. Opening day was for RIDING and enjoying the park – there will be plenty of gorgeous days to take photos later this summer at Kennywood!)