The Norwin Community Picnic has been a staple event over the course of my entire life. We always looked forward to it every year – and once my Dad became the emcee – well, you can imagine how much more we love this event. (Even though my Mom sits on pins and needles every year because my Dad becomes slightly unhinged while he’s up there reading names and you never know what he’s going to say – which of course, is what makes him a fabulous emcee!)
Since the Norwin Community Picnic has moved locations, from Idlewild Park to the Irwin Park – I love the new and improved atmosphere and feel of the picnic. I will always miss our days at Idlewild (spending the day at Idlewild Park with my extended family will always be some of my favorite memories!) but being able to simply walk down to Irwin Park for the picnic sure has it’s benefits!
The Norwin Chamber of Commerce has worked so hard over the last few years to really transform this event from what it was at Idlewild Park – to what it is now: a community event hosted in the heart of the community. The set-up and vendors they bring in get better every single year, the different events that take place during the day grow more seamless and better – I love how the Norwin Community Picnic has evolved and continues to evolve into a greater and more fantastic event every single year.
And of course: this year was no exception!
Last night, we gathered (with several hundred of our neighbors) and enjoyed a stunning evening in Irwin, PA. We ate food, made our rounds to the different small business tents set up around the park, and enjoyed the entertainment of my father: Steve Eichelberger, as the emcee of the prize drawing.
While the Abbeys didn’t win any of the nearly 100 prizes that were given away, several of our cousins and my Mom did win – which is always so much fun!
If you’d like a waltz down memory lane, you can find my past posts about our days at the Norwin Community Picnic (some here in Irwin and some at Idlewild Park & Soakzone) here: Irwin Park 2023, Idlewild 2019, Idlewild 2018, Idlewild 2017, Idlewild 2016, Idlewild 2015