Wait just a second, I shoot portraits?!
Shhhh, this is our little secret, okay?
Here’s the deal: I don’t advertise that I shoot portraits. You can look all over my website, you won’t find a single “portrait” session advertised. I no longer blog these sessions either! I used to simply post sneak peeks of my portraits over on my Facebook page, but as of 2019, I stopped doing that as well!
Maternity photos, newborns, kids, seniors, families – I can do all of it, but I’ve chosen to focus all of my efforts on the three things I love the absolute most: proposals, engagements, and weddings. (You know what they say, “Just because you can do it all, doesn’t mean you should.”) However, proposals, engagements, and weddings naturally lead to babies & families! So, if you’ve followed my blog for any length of time, you’ll notice that about 90% of the portraits in this post are for people I’ve already photographed (usually on their “day one” – on their wedding day)!
In other words: if most of the people in this post look really familiar – they should! I’ve photographed some of these families every single year for the last 11+ years!! And they’re absolutely precious to me. They’re some of my dearest friends & I love them.
I think it’s one of my favorite things about being a photographer: the relationships I’ve formed thru my business have held tight for years – it’s amazing & seriously the best perk of this job!
So, what I’ve found works best for me & my business (and my time) is that I’ve started holding a “portrait mini-session day”. I reach out to my past clients & let them know that I’m holding a day of portrait sessions & for the past 4 years (wow, I can’t believe I’ve been doing mini-sessions that long), that day has worked out perfectly. I get to hang out with my favorite people, capture a new, updated set of portraits for them, and it’s all done in a concentrated amount of time. Over the last 4 years, I’ve done mini-session days up in the Twin Tiers, where Derrick & I used to live, and in 2020, I started a mini-session day here in the Pittsburgh, PA area – where we currently live! (In other words: if the locations of a lot of these photos looks similar, it’s because many of these photos were taken on the same day, at the same place – in fact, it’s actually quite entertaining (for me anyway) to look thru the photos & see how the light & location changes throughout the day!)
*Side-note: if you’d like in on one of my mini-session days, send me a message & I’ll add you to my email list! My mini-session days tend to book up almost instantly, so I typically don’t advertise them publicly – being on my email list is the only way to know when I open them up!
Even though I don’t advertise portraits – I do still always try to find time to re-connect with my past brides & grooms! Typically, my wedding clients go on to become my sweet friends, so how can I say “no”?
If you’d like to see some of my previous “favorite portrait” posts, you can find
2020’s favorite portraits here,
2019’s favorite portraits here,
2018’s favorite portraits here,
2017’s favorite portraits here,
2016’s favorite portraits here,
2015’s favorite portraits here, &
2014’s favorite portraits here!
In fact, it’s really fun to go back and see how each family has grown & changed!
So, here we go! These are my favorite portraits (ranging from maternity & newborns to families) from 2021 (in absolutely no particular order – seriously, I put all of my favorite images into a “randomizer” and this is the order it spit everything out in – how could I ever put 110+ images in any sort of order?)
If you missed my other FEBRUARY FAVORITE image posts from last year, be sure to check them out here:
Favorite Roller Coasters
And stay tuned! Next week is going to be a BIG week with my favorite engagement images & my favorite wedding images!
[…] you’d like to see some of my previous “favorite portrait” posts, you can find 2021’s favorite portraits here,2020’s favorite portraits here,2019’s favorite portraits here,2018’s favorite portraits […]