OY – it’s the second week of February already & I still haven’t posted my FAVORITE images from 2020 yet!! You didn’t think I forgot, did you?
Believe it or not, I actually had it scheduled this way! I always feel like I have a lot to catch up on with my blog in January, but February is always a dull, boring month – so why not fill it with pretty photos?
So here we go!
Last year when I posted my favorite images, I started with my favorite wedding photos & then worked thru my favorite engagements, portraits, and ended with my favorite roller coaster photos. This year? I decided to work thru things the opposite way!
I’m kicking things off with my favorite roller coaster photos from 2020!
It’s so crazy to think that as of last year at this time, we had such ambitious goals & plans for roller coaster riding in 2020. We had some pretty big trips planned out! But then March, April, and May rolled around & we were suddenly left wondering if we would be riding any roller coasters at all in 2020!
Thankfully – our fears were unfounded. And even though quite a few parks did not open their gates at all in 2020 (and many parks, including our home park: Kennywood, ran under a modified schedule) – we were still able to get out & visit new amusement parks & ride new roller coasters!
In 2020, we visited: Nickelodeon Universe in the American Dream Mall, Dollywood, Holiday World, Kentucky Kingdom, Kings Island, Cedar Point, Hersheypark, and spent as much time as we could at Kennywood. It wasn’t what we had planned for the year – but we were just SUPER thankful that we were able to travel & do what we did!
If you’d like a sneak peek into what our days at amusement parks look like – you’ll want to hop on over to my YouTube channel & check out our “Adventuring Abbey” vlogs!
This is the 4th year that I’ve published specifically my favorite “roller coaster” photos!
If you’d like to see my previous “favorite roller coaster” posts, you can find
2019’s favorite roller coasters here, and
2018’s favorite roller coasters here,
2017’s favorite roller coasters here.
What follows are my favorite roller coaster images from 2020! These are in no particular order – because seriously, how could I ever place these into any sort of order?
Stay tuned as I work my way thru my favorite images from 2020! I’m excited to show off my favorite portraits, engagement sessions, wedding images, and I’ll probably cap it all off with my favorite personal photos as well!
[…] photos!If you’d like to see my previous “favorite roller coaster” posts, you can find2020’s favorite roller coasters here,2019’s favorite roller coasters here,2018’s favorite roller coasters here,2017’s favorite […]