I’ve written quite a few “Bucket Lists” for our family over the past few years. And every time I wrote them, I’d individualize them very personally, including things for my business, things for our family, and things for myself. Were they fun? Yeah, they were actually a great “accountability” tool for myself. But were they fun for anyone else? Probably not.
That being said, I decided to take a little bit of a different approach this time.
I really love the idea of writing out “Bucket Lists” or simply, a list of goals, for a particular season. Maybe it’s just my personality, but I feel so fulfilled to sit down, visualize the season ahead, and make some plans. Let’s be honest, the days simply fly by (and seem to go by faster with each year), so putting some thought & purpose into the coming days helps to slow things down, or at least, put some good perspective on the time that is so quickly slipping away.
So, I wanted to write a “Bucket List” for the Spring that would be much more encompassing – something that you could take & get a few ideas from & incorporate into your own family! Life is fun, let’s make some plans & enjoy it!
What would you put on your Spring Bucket List?
Is there something I should add to mine?
I’d love it if you’d share those ideas in the comments!