So, as I was combing thru all of my photos from last year, I realized that I desperately wanted to add a “personal” category to my “favorites” posts. And, well, since this is my space on the internet & I’m the boss here, I decided to go for it!
I have the most amazing job on the planet – I photograph people on one of the happiest days of their lives. Seriously – being a wedding & engagement photographer is the best job. And my next “job” – capturing images of roller coasters to help Derrick with his booming business – is equally incredible. Talk about FUN, eh?
But, along with capturing wedding day memories & cool roller coaster photos – I am also blessed to be able to use my skills to document my own family’s life. I might not be the best at pulling out my DSLR to capture the day-to-day, but I do try. And thankfully, my commitment to shooting a weekly “Abby’s Saturday” image really does help with picking up my camera every single week – even in the slow seasons.
So, while I was pulling my favorite “business” photos from 2019, (if you missed those posts, you can go back to see them here: favorite weddings, favorite engagements, favorite portraits, favorite roller coasters) I came across so many of my favorite personal photos – photos of us as a family having the most amazing year ever. It’s seriously crazy to me to look back over these photos & watch the kids grow – it all happens so fast! And if anything, this is inspiring me to pick up my “real” camera even more in 2020. And I say that because this particular collection of photos were all taken with my DSLR. I have literally a billion iPhone photos (some of which are seriously my super favorites) but I had to draw the line somewhere (or else, this post would be 5x larger than it already is!)
This is the end of this “favorites” series, I promise! But I simply couldn’t end out my “favorites” without posting my favorite photos of my little family – my favorite people in the whole world (and yes, there are a few photos of me in this post – they were either taken by Derrick, my sister Ellen, or with a tripod & remote!)
Unlike my other “favorite” posts where I randomized the photos & posted them “in no particular order” – these photos are in chronological order – from January thru December. I love all of these photos equally, and I think it’s fun to watch the progression of the year. Enjoy!